Monday, January 21, 2019

Rampaging Baloth, The Father of Thunder

Rampaging Baloth, The Father of Thunder
CR 25 XP: 1,638,400
CN Colossal magical beast (fey titan)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 600 ft., true seeing; Perception +44
Aura stormy presence (1200 ft., DC 30)
AC 45, touch 1, flat-footed 45 (-8 size, +44 natural, -1 Dex)
HP 712 (25d20+450); fast healing 30
Fort +32, Ref +13, Will +20
Defensive Abilities ferocity, recovery; DR 20/epic; Immune ability damage, ability drain, death effects, disease, energy drain, fear; Resist electricity 50, acid 30, cold 30, fire 30, negative energy 30, sonic 30; Weaknesses susceptible to booze
Speed 150 ft.
Melee gore +36 (6d12+19), 2 stomps +36 (2d12+19/19-20 plus trip)
Space 60 ft., Reach 20 ft.
Special Attacks critical hits, herd crush, hurl foe, tromping attack, toppled quake
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 25th; concentration +40) Constant—freedom of movement, true seeing At will—bestow curse (DC 28), greater shout (DC 33), plant growth 3/day—commune with nature 1/day—heroes’ feast
Str 48, Dex 8, Con 46, Int 10, Wis 30, Cha 40
Base Atk +25; CMB +52; CMD 61
Feats Bleeding Critical, Critical Focus, Critical Mastery, Improved Critical (gore, stomp), Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Improved Natural Attack (gore), Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus (perception), Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical
Skills Acrobatics -1, Intimidate +40, Perception +44
Languages Primordial
SQ fey link, titanic
Critical Hits (Ex) Due to his critical feats, when the Father of Thunder confirms a critical hit with his gore, he stuns the target for 1d4 rounds (Fortitude DC 35 reduces the effect to staggered) and inflicts 2d6 bleed damage. When he confirms a critical hit with a stomp, he only stuns, and doesn’t inflict bleed. He has a +4 bonus on all critical confirmation rolls.
Herd Crush (Ex) A herd encircles the Father of Thunder in a quarter-mile radius. When the herd is in motion, any hostile creature the fey titan is aware of within the herd must succeed a Reflex save (DC 24) at the start of its turn or else take 10 damage from the crush of animals. Herd animals such as horses are not in danger of this crush. A creature unable to keep up with the herd (such as if he’s dismounted or his steed is knocked prone) must instead make a Reflex save (DC 30) or else take 40 damage from being trampled. (It typically takes 4 rounds of trampling for the herd to move past an immobile creature.)
Stormy Presence (Su) Lightning constantly strikes in a 1200-ft. radius around the Father of Thunder. Normally it lands harmlessly, but when a creature angers the fey titan the lightning expresses his displeasure. As an immediate action when a creature in the area targets him with a spell that affects his mind or grants a Will save, or when a creature tries to engage him in conversation, the Father of Thunder can cause a bolt of lightning to fall from the sky (as a maximized call lightning storm) and strike that creature. He cannot target any creatures that are directly underneath him, as such bolts redirect to his horn. The bolt deals 50 points of electricity damage (Reflex DC 30 half) and makes a dispel check (caster level 25th) as greater dispel magic against each creature damaged this way. The lightning does not injure herd animals or minotaurs. Horns alone aren’t enough, though; tieflings are fair game. The Father of Thunder can also direct this lightning to strike as a swift action on his turn, usually aiming it at people who dare to try to fly over his herd. And as an odd corner case, he can cause this lightning to strike creatures even hundreds of miles away in response to them casting sending or similar communication to bother him, responding with lightning instead of words. If the Father of Thunder is not standing on ground above an open sky, he cannot use this power.
Tromping Attack (Ex) Due to the mobile nature of the fey titan and his herd, on his turn the Father of Thunder can take a full attack while also taking two move actions. If his foes aren’t also moving at his pace, he can only make a single attack against any given creature. But we assume the party will engage him while mounted. To represent the mobile herd and battle, place the Father of Thunder in the middle of a battle map. Each mounted combatant can direct his or her steed to adjust his position relative to the titan by up to 30 feet by spending a move action and succeeding a Ride check (DC 10). For every 5 points he succeeds by, the rider can adjust his steed another 10 feet. A rider can take a -15 penalty to this check   to accomplish it as a free action, allowing him to take his full turn. On his own turn the Father of Thunder can adjust 30 feet as a free action. Additionally, three times per round, after a foe completes his or her turn, the fey titan can adjust himself 10 feet without spending an action. If the Father of Thunder falls prone, all of this movement and adjustment stops until he can stand back up again. Assume that all creatures in the encounter keep the same general heading, and it doesn’t particularly matter where the herd as a whole moves, except as detailed below. Due to his immense size, the Father of Thunder doesn’t turn very quickly. He can only make gore attacks against creatures roughly within his forward reach, and stomp attacks only against creatures not in reach of his gore attack. As a standard action, a character riding within 30 feet of the Father of Thunder can make a Handle Animal check. (We recommend you be generous with bonuses if the character comes up with a good excuse, like if there’s an illusion of a giant dragon to cause the herd to turn away.) The Father of Thunder then makes a Will save against a DC equal to that check’s result, representing his control over the herd. If he fails, the character can direct the herd to move in a particular direction for the next round. The fey titan will likely turn his ire against that character, though, and of course the herd doesn’t pivot on a silver piece.
Toppled Quake (Su) When the Father of Thunder is first reduced below 376 hit points, he stumbles and trips. On his next turn he will attempt get up and move 150 feet (instead of his normal movement of 300 feet). He’ll still be able to make a full attack, but this perhaps gives PCs who fell behind a chance to catch up. The first time per day that the Father of Thunder trips (whether due to the above damage or because of enemy attacks), his collision with the ground creates a massive earthquake. The landscape within 1200 ft. buckles, and deep fissures and jagged hills appear in the area. For the following four rounds, unless the Father of Thunder is unable to move or a character’s Handle Animal check lets him take brief control of the herd, each round the fey titan guides the herd through one of these hazards. Small Chasm. Each rider must succeed a Ride check (DC 15) to coax their steed to leap across a twenty foot gap. Failed checks mean the steed balks and instead swerves around the gap, causing the rider to fall back 60 feet relative to the Father of Thunder. Because some members of the herd fall in, reduce the DC for Herd Crush by 2. Vast Chasm. Each rider may attempt a Ride check (DC 20) to get their steed to leap a fifty foot gap. Forgoing the check means the steed falls back 120 feet relative to the Father of Thunder. Attempting the check and failing means the steed and rider take 10d6 falling damage and need to find a way out of a 100-ft. chasm in order to rejoin the battle. This removes a huge amount of the herd, reducing the DC for Herd Crush by 5.
Stubborn Tornado (Su) When the Father of Thunder is first reduced below 188 hit points, he stops running and engages the party in close combat. A tornado   manifests around him, creating 200 mile per hour winds. The tornado remains centered on the Father of Thunder as he moves, though he is big enough to be clearly visible through the dust of the funnel cloud. It lasts until the Father of Thunder is reduced to 0 hit points, at which point the titan sags and yields. Ranged weapon attacks become impossible. Creatures Large or smaller must succeed a Strength check (DC 15) each round or else be knocked prone and pulled 1d4x10 feet toward the fey titan, taking 1d4 damage per 10 feet. Those who end up adjacent to him are picked up by the tornado and whirled around for 1d10 rounds, taking 6d6 points of damage per round from debris and the occasional flying cow, before being violently expelled (falling damage might apply).
Susceptible to Booze (Ex) If allowed to consume truly epic amounts of alcohol, the Father of Thunder’s intoxication affects him as if he had 5 negative levels. The herd’s also a bit drunk. In addition to the normal effects of negative levels, reduce the DCs of all saves prompted by the Father of Thunder’s abilities by 5, except for the tornado.

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