Monday, January 21, 2019

Archfiend of Despair

Mhaazoul, Demon Lord Heir to Orcus, Archfiend of Despair
CR 24 XP: 1,228,800
CE Large outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, native)
Init +13; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +42
 AC 40, touch 20, flat-footed 30 (-1 size, +1 dodge, +20 natural, +9 Dex)
HP 555 (30d12+360)
Fort +21, Ref +26, Will +26
DR 20/cold iron and good; Immune electricity, poison; SR 35; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10
Speed 80 ft., fly 120 ft. (good)
Melee +2 vorpal two-bladed sword +47 (2d6+17/17–20) or +2 vorpal two bladed sword +39/+34/+29/+24 (2d6+17/17–20), +2 vorpal two-bladed sword +39/+34/+29 (2d6+7/17–20), kick +34 (1d8+5), gore +34 (2d6+5), tail slap +34 (1d8+5) or 2 claws +40 (1d8+10), gore +39 (2d6+10), kick +34 (1d8+5), +34 tail strike (1d8+5)
Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks influence fate
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 30th, ranged touch +38) Constant detect good, detect law, tongues At will deeper darkness, ray of enfeeblement (DC 22), ray of exhaustion (DC 24) 5/day finger of death (DC 26) 3/day—animate dead, chain lightning (DC 27), dimension door (self only), feeblemind (DC 26), mass suggestion (DC 26) 1/day cloudkill (DC 26)
Str 31, Dex 28, Con 33, Int 29, Wis 28, Cha 32
Base Atk +30; CMB +41; CMD 61
Feats Bleeding Critical, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Critical Focus (two-bladed sword), Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (two-bladed sword), Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical (two-bladed sword), Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Power Attack, Toughness, Two-Weapon Fighting (two-bladed sword), Weapon Focus (claws)
Skills Acrobatics +39, Bluff +64, Craft (alchemy) +32, Diplomacy +64, Fly +44, Intimidate +44, Knowledge (arcana) +42, Knowledge (history) +29, Knowledge (planes) +42, Linguistics +29, Perception +42, Sense Motive +62, Spellcraft +39, Stealth +38, Use Magic Device +41
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Ignan, Infernal, Protean, Undercommon; telepathy 250 ft.
SQ change self (human; alter self), verisimilitude
Where once Mhaazoul’s wings were tattered and useless they are now huge and savagely reptilian. These are not merely bat wings—or even dragon wings—tacked on the back but rather are the cruelly edged, barbed, hooked, and bladed appendages of an evil creature not from this world. The horns that before seemed almost to droop and pull down his head now are razor-tipped, and forward-pointing as if they are anxious to impale any living creature upon which his gaze falls. His flesh has the appearance of cracked volcanic rock with bright magma and fire glaring from within. It is utterly smooth though with the sheen of polished marble. From the lower back, sprouts a bony tail that seems like a wicked extension of his spine, ending in a savagely-barbed hook. This tail is exceptionally long and flexible, allowing it to attack foes to all sides. Mhaazoul’s legs end in polished ebon-black hooves. Not simply the cloven hooves of a goat, but these are far larger and more dangerous, each ending in a great and fearsome point.
In combat, Mhaazoul fully restored is a fierce and deadly foe. He uses any and every skill at his disposal to utterly destroy his foes. He is a cunning and deadly opponent. Mhaazoul prefers using his influence fate ability to make his foes’ attacks less effective rather than increasing his own abilities but is intelligent and does whatever is most advantageous at the moment.
For preference, he attacks clerics first. Following that he targets, in order, other divine spellcasters, arcane spellcasters, fighters, and barbarians. Remember, though, that these are just preferences. He always acts as is most advantageous at any given moment.
Servants of Mhaazoul
Mhaazol has been imprisoned for over a century in the vaults beneath the Guildhall of Penmorgh. During that time, he has largely been lost to the knowledge of others beyond the members of the Guild who revere him for the good fortune he brings to their enterprises and the quasit Buboe who is perhaps his one truly loyal follower, and he grants no divine powers to his worshippers beyond the good fortune he brings them. As a result, other than the Guild of Penmorgh there is no cult of Mhaazol to speak of, though he immediately begins to rectify that as soon as he escapes his imprisonment. Until then Mhaazol is a weakened nascent demon lord who cannot regain his full power and position as a demon lord until he has become the true and only Master of the Tower of Bone. Currently, his only symbol is the crystal skull by which he is known to be imprisoned, but that will likely change once he has risen to power in his own right.

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