Monday, January 21, 2019

Cletus Kasady, Carnage

Cletus Kasady, Carnage
CR 23 XP: 819,200
CE Medium outsider (chaotic, evil, symbiote)
Init +10; Senses low-light vision; Perception +0
AC 33, touch 27, flat-footed 23 (+6 natural, +7 deflection, +10 Dex)
HP 350 (20d12+220)
Fort +40, Ref +29, Will +16
DR 15/slashing
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.
Melee Claw +38/+33/+28/+23 (2d12+18, 19-20/x3) or 4 tentacles +46 (1d4+26)
Reach 35 ft.
Special Attacks tentacles
Str 43, Dex 30, Con 32, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 15
Base Atk +20; CMB +36; CMD 63
Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus (Claw), Greater Weapon Specialization (Claw), Improved Critical (Claw), Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Claw), Weapon Specialization (Claw)
Skills Acrobatics +10, Climb +16, Intimidate +2
SQ Symbiotic Bond, Alien Symbiote, Symbiotic Strength, Symbiotic Skin, TOTAL INSANITY
Environment any
Organization unique
Treasure none
Symbiotic Skin (Su) The blood red symbiote covers Kasadys whole body, allowing him to change his appearance at will, protect himself from injury.. and, envelop other people into his symbiote and grow long, deadly, tentacles out of it. These tentacles deal 1d4 points of damage each and have a range of 35 feet. The symbiote provides: A +10 bonus on all Disguise and Hide checks. A +6 natural bonus to Armor Class Damage Reduction 15/slashing, and a +6 bonus on all fortitude saves.
Symbiotic Strength (Su) Carnage can lift 10 times what his strength score would indicate. He also inflicts 2d12 (Critical modifier of x3) points of slashing damage with his claws. He also is not limited by his height for jump checks.
Webbing (Su) The symbiote can produce webbing similar to Venom’s symbiotic webbing. Unlike Venom, Carnage can project this web from any part of his body, not just the hands. +2 to attack. The webbing allows Carnage to shoot a web line a distance of up to 250 feet. This line requires a Strength check of DC 30 to break up to one round after being fired. After that time it requires a Strength check of DC 50 to break.
Spider-Sense Immunity (Su) Carnage is immune to Spider-Man's early warning Spider-Sense and thus removes all benefits of it from him in combat.
Symbiotic Bond (Su) Cletus Kasady and the alien symbiote are not just bonded both physically and mentally. They simply love each other. Never before have had either of these two witnessed such base corruption and cruel insanity in someone else. The symbiosis between them is several times stronger than that of Brock's and his suit. Kasady's mind and the aliens are so strongly fused that they form a single person. Carnage gains a +10 bonus on all Will saves and he can re-roll once per round any failed Will saving throws, for his dual minds are almost impossible to control.
Wall Crawling (Su) Carnage can attach himself to any surface with his fingers and toes, allowing him to scale walls. This functions as the spider climb spell except Venom isn't required to keep all his limbs on the wall to stay attached. He can remain on the wall as long as either both hands, both feet, or a hand and foot are in contact with it. This also gives him a +12 on grapple checks. Carnage receives this higher bonus as the symbiote can ooze over an enemy and he also uses this ability to surround his victims head with the symbiote to let him see what little me me me ME is made of! This allows him to use this Total Insanity against the target.
Sonic and Fire Vulnerability (Su) Carnage is vulnerable to both fire and sonic attacks, though he has grown more resistant against sonic attacks. On the other hand, he has always been much weaker towards flames than Venom. He takes 2.5 times the damage from fire, but only one and a half times the amount of damage from sonic attacks.
Kasady has bonded with a homicidal symbiotic alien, an offspring of Venom's symbiote. It changes his type to Outsider
Written by Lord-Masker

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