Monday, January 21, 2019

Kaiju King Ghidorah

King Ghidorah          
CR 30      XP:9,830,400
CN Colossal magical beast (kaiju)
Init +40; Senses Darkvision 60 feet, Low-light Vision; Perception +20
AC 50, touch 30, flat-footed 32 (-8 size, +20 Dex, +30 natural)
HP 405 (40d8+225)
Fort +28, Ref +23, Will +2
DR 15/epic; Immune Electricity; SR 30; Resist fire 10, cold 10
Speed 100 ft., fly 115 ft. (average)
Melee 3 bites +42 (6d8+10), 2 tails +37 (6d8+5), 2 wings +37 (6d8+5)
Space 125 ft., Reach 75 ft.
Special Attacks Triple Blast, Ultra Slap, Trample, Elemental Ray
Str 30, Dex 50, Con 60, Int 20, Wis 15, Cha 25
Base Atk +40; CMB +58; CMD 88
Feats Cleave, Cleave Through, Cleaving Finish, Great Cleave, Mythic Cleave, Mythic Power Attack, Mythic Toughness, Power Attack, Run, Toughness
Skills Climb +25, Perception +20, Survival +15
SQ Swallow Whole, Alien Power, Triple Heads, Regeneration 25, Double Tails
Environment any
Organization solitary
Treasure none
Elemental Ray (Su) King Ghidorah has the ability to blast an elemental ray from its central head, dealing 25d12 electrical damage. It can be moved around to attack multiple targets (which must be under 15 feet from each other) as a full-round action. There are no limits to which turns it can be used (the ray can be used 5 turns in a row)
Swallow Whole (Ex) If King Ghidorah makes a grapple check and maintains it until the next round, it can swallow the opponent if it is of size huge or smaller. Inside, the enemy takes 10d8 electric damage and 5d10 crushing damage. The stomach of King Ghidorah has an AC of 15, with 30 HP. After cutting its way out, the opponent will fall to the ground from the King Ghidorah’s underside and take 5d8 falling damage.
Regeneration (25) (Su) King Ghidorah’s power enables it to heal damage done to its skin. Its skin also deflects any arrows or flasks to the ground, and deflects missile spells back at the caster.
Alien Power (Su) King Ghidorah is from another world, its alien implants allow it to have +50 HP, regeneration, and mutation to its head and tail.
Triple Heads (Su) King Ghidorah has 3 heads. This is a great advantage for the monster because it enables the colossal beast 3 stomachs. The Swallow Whole attack can be done with any of Ghidorah’s heads, if the right head swallows an opponent, it does electrical damage. If the left head swallows an opponent, it does fire damage, and if the middle head swallows an opponent, it does ice damage. Also, King Ghidorah can do 3 bite attacks in one turn. But if all 3 heads bite, it cannot use the elemental ray or bite again for 2d4 turns. Besides that, all 3 heads deal different elemental ray damage. Right Head Electric Left Head Fire Middle Head Ice
Double Tails (Su) Able to attack with 2 tail attacks, but cannot use tail again for 1d4 turns
Giant beyond belief, this creature has three snake-like heads, two tails and two dragon-like wings.
You look above you, your face turns to a large terror as you see the monster a great deal over 200 stories above you. It has 2 great wings and 3 dragon-looking heads. It tramples a group of citizens and obliterates a large house with 2 huge tails. It blasts around you with its 3 heads, destroying everything in sight. You look around to see in fact, that it has done no damage to the buildings nearby. 

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