Monday, January 21, 2019

Adarkar Valkyrie

Adarkar Valkyrie
CR 13 XP: 25,600
Female enchanted mithril-clad aellar elf oracle (mixed-mystery) 12
NG Medium humanoid (augmented, elf)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9
Aura +2 Knowledge (arcana), +2 Perception, +2 Spellcraft, -4 Swim, +2 Use Magic Device
AC 28, touch 12, flat-footed 26 (+8 armor, +8 natural, +2 Dex)
HP 81 (12d8+24)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +10
Defensive Abilities medium fortification; Will +12 vs. enchantment; Immune charm, paralysis, sleep; SR 24; Resist fire 15; Weaknesses oracle's curse (haunted, tongues), vulnerability to electricity
Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Melee +1 flaming greatsword +12/+7 (2d6+4/19-20 plus 1d6 fire) or slam +11 (1d4+3)
Special Attacks channel positive energy (7/day, 6d6, DC 22), dance of the blades, steel scarf 9/day, strike as silver
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th) At will—detect magic, light, read magic 5/day—invisibility, mage armor
Spells Known (CL 12nd)
  6th (4/day)-Heal (DC 22), Mass Cure Moderate Wounds (DC 22), Mass Planar Adaptation (DC 22)
  5th (6/day)-Breath of Life (DC 21), Mass Cure Light Wounds (DC 21), Raise Dead, Rapid Repair (DC 21)
  4th (7/day)-Cure Critical Wounds (DC 20), Freedom of Movement (DC 20), Rest Eternal, Restoration (DC 20), Soothe Construct
  3rd (7/day)-Cure Serious Wounds (DC 19), Dispel Magic, Neutralize Poison (DC 19), Remove Blindness/Deafness (DC 19), Remove Curse (DC 19), Remove Disease (DC 19)
Before Combat Usually remaining on the sidelines of combat, Adarkar Valkyrie makes clear through diplomacy that she is present only to raise the fallen as contracted. If she foresees that direct, melee combat is unavoidable, she casts freedom of movement
During Combat Primarily a healer, Adarkar Valkyrie only attacks others in defense of her own life, using her greatsword or striking enemies within 30 feet with her Steel Scarf ability, remaining airborne and mobile as much as possible. When not under direct threat, she focuses on healing her current clients.
Morale if reduced below 20 hit points, Adarkar Valkyrie flies away to heal.
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 22
Base Atk +9; CMB +11; CMD 23
Feats Brew Potion, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Eschew Materials, Mystical Healer, Reach Spell, Scribe Scroll
Skills Diplomacy +20, Fly +9, Heal +16, Knowledge (arcana) +2, Knowledge (planes) +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Perception +9, Profession (healer) +16, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +17, Swim +2, Use Magic Device +8
Languages Auran, Common, Elven, Infernal
SQ revelations (armor mastery, channel, dance of blades, enhanced cures, safe curing, and skill at arms, steel scarf)
Gear staff of heal (heal [3 charges]), wand of cure critical wounds (50 charges); Gear +1 flaming greatsword, +1 mithral splint mail, lesser robe of renewal
Oracle's Curse (Ex) An Adarkar Valkyrie suffers the 1st level effects of both the haunted and the tongues oracle curses. Her curses are as follows. Haunted An Adarkar Valkyrie is tormented by malevolent spirits which follow her everywhere, causing minor mishaps and strange occurrences (such as unexpected breezes, small objects moving on their own, and faint noises). Retrieving any stored item from her gear requires a standard action, unless it would normally take longer. Any item she drops lands 10 feet away from her in a random direction. She has mage hand and ghost sound as bonus spells. Tongues In times of stress or unease, an Adarkar Valkyrie is able to speak in only Infernal. When in combat, she can only speak and understand Infernal. This does not interfere with her spellcasting, but it does apply to spells that are language dependent. She has gained Infernal as a bonus language. Revelations an Adarkar Valkyrie has uncovered the following secrets about her mysteries.
Armor Mastery (Ex) Metallic armor has little effect on an Adarkar Valkyrie's ability to maneuver. She can move at full speed while wearing medium armor made of metal, the armor check penalty is reduced by 2 (minimum 0), and the maximum Dexterity bonus is increased by +2.
Channel (Su) An Adarkar Valkyrie can, as a standard action, channel positive energy as a 6th level cleric, but only 5 times each day.
Dance of the Blades (Ex) An Adarkar Valkyrie moves faster than a normal aellar elf by +10 ft. Whenever she moves at least 10 ft. in a round, she gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls with metal weapons. As a move action, she can maneuver her weapon to create a shield of whirling steel around herself until the start of her next turn; corporeal melee and ranged attacks have a 20% miss chance while the shield is active. She must be wielding a metal weapon to use this ability.
Enhanced Cures (Su) Whenever an Adarkar Valkyrie casts a cure spell, the maximum number of hit points healed is based on her oracle level, not the limit based on the spell. For example, she heals 1d8+12 points of damage when she casts cure light wounds instead of the normal 1d8+5 maximum
Safe Curing (Su) Whenever an Adarkar Valkyrie casts a spell that cures the target of hit point damage, she does not provoke attack of opportunity for spellcasting.
Skill at Arms (Ex) An Adarkar Valkyrie has gained proficiency in all martial weapons and heavy armor.
Steel Scarf (Su) As a swift action, an Adarkar Valkyrie can harden a scarf, sleeve, cloak, or other piece of her clothing into something as hard as steel that stretches out to be up to 30 feet long. She can strike outward with it as a weapon making a melee attack. For the purpose of this ability, she is proficient with this weapon and can use the weapon to perform combat maneuvers. If she hits, the weapon deals 1d8+6 points of slashing damage. After this attack, the clothing returns to its normal length and hardness. She does not threaten an area with this weapon and cannot use it to make attacks of opportunity.

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