Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Aseroth, The Winter Warlock, The Prince of Broken Playthings, The Regent of the Silver Realm
CR 26 XP: 2,457,600
NE Gargantuan outsider (cold, earth, evil, divine, elemental, demon)
Init +0; Senses Tremorsense 100 ft.; Perception +40
AC 43, touch 6, flat-footed 43 (-4 size, +37 natural)
HP 723 (30d12+420)
Fort +31, Ref +10, Will +16
DR 40/Adamantine, Bludgeoning, Good and Epic; Immune electricity and poison.; Resist acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10.
Speed 50 ft.
Melee 2 slams +38/+38 (4d6 + 29 + 8d6 cold, +2d6 on Good creatures)
Space 20 ft., Reach 20 ft.
Special Attacks Breath Weapon
During Combat A demon’s natural weapons, as well as any weapon it wields, is treated as chaotic and evil for the purpose of resolving damage reduction.
Aseroth rarely needs to fight, since his authority alone is enough to keep any opponent at bay. When forced to take the field, though, he doesn't hang back and crushes the fools who dare to oppose him with his almighty fists. He is always confident that his strength cannot be rivaled by anyone and sooner or later this belief could lead him to a fatal oversight.
Str 43, Dex 10, Con 38, Int 24, Wis 22, Cha 28
Base Atk +22; CMB +42; CMD 52
Feats Awesome Blow, Dark Speech, Dire Charge, Epic Toughness, Improved Natural Attack, Improved Toughness, Mark of the Abyss, Power Attack, Toughness
Skills Acrobatics +49, Climb +49, Diplomacy +41, Intimidate +41, Knowledge (planes) +40, Perception +40, Sense Motive +39
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, and Draconic
SQ Bow Down Before Me, Burning Cold, Demigod abilities, Elemental traits, Hard Skin, Magic Immunity, Demon traits
Bow Down Before Me (Su) Creatures within 75 ft. from Aseroth must make a CD 25 Strength check at the beginning of their turn to avoid being Slowed, as the spell. Who fails the save must immediately make another CD 15 Strength check or be forced to the ground on his knees, unable to do any action until the next turn. Flying creatures in the area immediately begin to fall.
Breath Weapon (Su) Aseroth's breath weapon is a 60 ft. cone of pure cold. Every creature in the area takes 20d6 cold damage (reflex halves) and must make a CD 39 fortitude save or be under the effect of Flesh to Stone, as the spell, except that they are turned into ice instead of stone. Creatures with the cold subtype are immune to this ability. Aseroth can use this ability only once every 1d4 rounds.
Demigod (Sp) Aseroth grants the Cold (SpC), Earth and Evil domains to clerics who worship him.
Hard Skin (Ex) Aseroth takes half damage from the following sources: bludgeoning, force, piercing, and slashing. This is applied after Damage Reduction.
Heavy Fists (Ex) Both Aseroth's fists count as two-handed weapons for the purpose of calculating the strength modifier added to melee attacks and for the Power Attack feat. They are also both +5 profane weapons.
Magic Immunity (Su) Aseroth is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance.
Unforgiving Winter (Su) Aseroth inflicts half cold damage to creatures immune to cold and ignores half of a creature's cold Resistance. His melee attacks inflict 8d6 bonus cold damage.
This being, 40 ft. tall, is entirely made of icy rock and somewhat resembles a moving mountain. His movements are slow, but with every step the earth shakes with a tremendous rumble. His eyes glow with a bright, cyan light.
Aseroth is an enigmatic and multi-facetted Lord of ice, magic and dominion. Demonologists note his similarities to an Advanced Incubus, but they concede that he is highly unusual for such a being, and that he also possesses an exceptional level of arcane prowess and an aptitude for both Cryomancy and planar magic. Even for a being exemplifying Chaos, Aseroth comes across as fickle and contradictory in nature. For the most part, his schemes and past-times are totally incomprehensible to mortal scholars. An increasingly popular theory is that Aseroth was once an Eladrin noble cast from Queen Morwel’s Court of Stars in disgrace, due to his increasingly disturbing and callous attitude towards mortal children and animals. The Winter Warlock, as he has now become most commonly known, views the universe as filled with simple little people who are fuelled by strange candle flames within their hearts called ‘hope’. He has come to relish the challenge of snuffing out the internal fires of mortal will, self-worth and freedom.
Aseroth is one of the most powerful demon lords and a cruel tyrant. He rarely gets out from his caves but when he does, the entire Abyss trembles below his feet.
The Black Scrolls of Ahm report that he once was a prince in the Elemental Plane of Earth, revered and beloved for his wisdom, and many being in the universe used to consult him for important matters. Such greatness, though, was destined to fall. One day, Aseroth received the visit of Lamashtu, at the time member of the Radiant Sisters, who needed help to solve a problem. Such beautiful eyes managed to soften that heart of stone and for the first time in his existence, the giant fell in love. As soon as Lamasthu noticed the fact, she began to manipulate Aseroth through his feelings, for her personal interest. Since the Giant was so madly in love with her, he did everything she told him to do, and with pleasure, becsuse he was confident that Lamasthu returned his feelings, when the truth is that she only tricked him. In the end Lamashtu persuaded Aseroth to forsake everything and follow her into the Abyss, where the two would have started a new life; a life lived as rulers, not as servants. Indeed, Lamasthu was tired of her position, subordinated to Malcanthet, and wished to dethrone the Mistress of Pleasure and take her place. Confident that the brute force provided by her new friend was enough to achieve that goal, Lamashtu turned against Malcanthet and her fellow comrades, attacking the fortress in Shendilavri. In order to face the unexpected treason, Malcanthet was obligated to ask her consort Pazuzu for help, and he promptly provided a large amount of forces that smote the invaders. During the battle, Lamashtu was captured, while Aseroth somehow managed to escape. The Giant was overcome by despair for the loss of his beloved, and spent days and nights devising a way to free her, until he received the news that froze his heart: Lamasthu, alive and free, accepted to become Pazuzu's spouse and came to Pazunia with him. This was too much for Aseroth. Now, alone and with no interest to come back to his home plane, Aseroth made his dwelling into the 566th layer of the Abyss, an endless maze of caves and tunnels dug deep under earth. At this point, the Scrolls state that the disappointment was so much that Aseroth's soul began to freeze and since then the entire layer became enclosed in an endless winter. Aseroth's realm is the layer number 566, Soulfreeze, a vast complex of caves permanently frozen. He rules as a ruthless despot among the many creatures lurking in the burrows and does not care much about what happens outside. Despite many millennia have passed, deep inside he is still in love with Lamashtu and sometimes his mind goes back to the past, when they were happy and together. He never forgave Pazuzu for having turned her from a marvelous flower into the deranged abomination she is now, but his anger has been mitigated by Pazuzu's death during the Cataclysm.
Recently, the Winter Giant is suspecting an intrusion within his realm, began rightly after the announcement of a juicy bounty on the head of an unknown thief issued by the demon lord Abraxas. Aseroth has no interest in valuables, but he can't stand that someone in his kingdom avoids his authority and will not find peace until the intruder is found and brought in his presence.

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