Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Tyrexxus, The Exarch of Wrath

Tyrexxus, The Exarch of Wrath
CR 38                                                                                                                 XP: 157,286,400
NE Large humanoid (cosmic, daemon, evil)
Init +9; Senses Perception +50
Aura Unholy
AC 62, touch 34, flat-footed 53 (-1 size, +16 deflection, +28 natural, +9 Dex)
HP 1118 (43d12+774); regeneration 30
Fort +43, Ref +32, Will +31
DR 40/epic and major good; Immune acid and poison; SR 60; Resist cold 40, electricity 40 and fire 40
Speed 80 ft.
Melee 4 claws +62 melee (3d8 + 20) and bite +57 melee (6d6 + 10) and 3 tails +57 melee (3d8 + 10 and wounding)
Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks Disease, fling, fury, improved grab, spell-like abilities, unholy aura, wounding
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 32nd) Always active – detect good, see invisibility, true seeing; at will – blade barrier (DC 27), blasphemy (DC 29), circle of death (DC 28), crushing hand, disintegrate (DC 28), fireball (DC 25), greater dispel magic, lightning bolt (DC 25), rage* (DC 25), greater shout (DC 30), greater teleport; 7/day – implosion(DC 31), meteor swarm (DC 31), power word kill, power word stun.
Str 51, Dex 28, Con 43, Int 27, Wis 18, Cha 34
Base Atk +43; CMB +64; CMD 99
Feats Cleave, Combat Expertise, Dark Speech, Destructive Rage, Epic Fortitude, Epic Toughness, Epic Will, Extra Rage, Great Cleave, Greater Sunder, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Lunging Strike, Power Attack, Shock Trooper
Skills Acrobatics +61, Climb +66, Diplomacy +16, Intimidate +58, Knowledge (arcana, religion) +30, Knowledge (gather information) +64, Knowledge (history, planes) +40, Knowledge (local) +54, Perception +50, Ride +55, Sense Motive +40, Spellcraft +37, Survival +40, Swim +66
Languages telepathy 1000 ft.
Environment Gehenna
Organization Unique
Treasure quadruple standard
Disease (Su) Anyone taking damage within 100 feet of Tyrexxus must make a Fortitude save (DC 37) or contract faceless hate and a Will save (DC 37) or contract festering anger. If Tyrexxus himself deals this damage, the DC is increased to 47.
Fling (Ex) Flung creatures travel 200 feet unless they strike an object prior. A flung creature takes damage as if it had fallen 200 feet. If the flung creature strikes an object, both suffer 1d6 damage per 10 feet traveled. (If the damage is enough to destroy the object that was in its path, the creature continues its flight.)
Fury (Ex) If Tyrexxus fails to hit with an attack, he gains a +10 bonus to attack and damage on his next attack against that foe. These bonuses are cumulative until Tyrexxus succeeds in connecting with an attack. When Tyrexxus is damaged by an attack, he gains a +10 bonus to attack and damage on his next attack against that foe. Tyrexxus is considered to always be under the effects of a rage or frenzy although he can make full use of his mental actions. For effects that are limited to a certain number of times per rage, Tyrexxus can use them once per round.
Improved Grab (Ex) Tyrexxus must hit a Gargantuan or smaller creature with a claw attack to use this ability. If he establishes a hold, he can fling the creature as a free action.
Unholy Aura (Su) All Sinns have a double strength unholy aura in effect around their persons at all times. A Fortitude save (DC 43) negates the 2d6 points of Strength damage Good aligned creatures suffer if they attack in melee.
Wounding (Ex) Creatures struck by Tyrexxus' bladed tails continue to bleed for 5 points of damage per hit per round until treated to a Heal check (DC 47) or a healing spell. (Caster level check DC 47 required)
Regneration (Ex) Major good aligned weapons and good aligned spells of 8th level or higher deal normal damage to Tyrexxus.

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