Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Shemeska the Marauder

Shemeska the Marauder
CR 25 XP: 1,638,400
NE Medium humanoid (daemon, evil)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., telepathy 200 ft.; Perception +44
AC 42, touch 26, flat-footed 35 (+9 deflection, +16 natural, +7 Dex)
HP 512 (32d8+256)
Fort +26, Ref +25, Will +27
DR 20/good and mithril; Immune acid, mind affecting effects and poison; SR 35; Resist cold 20, electricity 20 and fire 20
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +38 (1d6 + 6 and poison) and bite +33 (2d6 + 2)
Special Attacks Poison, sneak attack +4d6, spell-like abilities, spells, summon yugoloths, vile arcana
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 25th) Always active- detect good, greater arcane sight, read magic, tongues, true seeing; At will: animate dead, blasphemy (DC 28), charm monster (DC 26), contagion (DC 25), deeper darkness, dimension door, fear (DC 25), fly, greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, greater teleport, heat metal (DC 23), magic missile, programmed image (DC 25), project image, telekinesis (DC 26), undetectable alignment, unholy aura (DC 29), unholy blight (DC 25), warp wood(DC 23).
Str 22, Dex 24, Con 26, Int 34, Wis 29, Cha 33
Base Atk +32; CMB +38; CMD 64
Feats Automatic Quicken Spell (x3), Craft Contingent Spell, Delay Spell, Empower Spell, Epic Skill Focus (Knowledge (Gather Information)), Extend Spell, Fortify Spell, Improved Metamagic, Persuasive, Quicken Spell, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Knowledge (Gather Information)), Transdimensional Spell, Widen Spell
Skills Bluff +48, Craft (alchemy) +37, Craft (calligraphy) +28, Diplomacy +53, Disguise +41, Intimidate +52, Knowledge (arcana, history, local, planes) +55, Knowledge (gather information) +63, Knowledge (nobility) +45, Linguistics +42, Perception +44, Sense Motive +44, Spellcraft +59, Stealth +37, Survival +20
Languages telepathy 200 ft
SQ Alternate form, arcane archive
Environment sigil
Organization unique
Treasure quadruple standard
Poison (Ex) Injury, Fortitude DC 34, 1d4 Str/1d4 Str
Spells (Sp) Shemeska casts spells as a sorcerer. However, she is capable of changing her spells known daily through the use of a spellbook, just like a wizard. If she loses her spellbook, she is stuck with her current spell selection until she can craft a new one. Shemeska does not increase her casting time when using metamagic.
Summon Daemon (Sp) Twice per day, Shemeska may summon 1d8 mezzoloth, 1d4 dergholoth, or another arcanaloth. Although there is a 25% probability that any yugoloth summoned may turn on a normal arcanaloth summoner, Shemeska is feared enough that few would be so foolish.
Vile Arcana (Sp) Shemeska's spells (but not spell-like abilities) are all considered to be corrupt and violated unless Shemeska chooses not to cast them as such.
Alternate Form (Su) Shemeska can shift between her natural form and any humanoid form at will as a standard action and can remain in humanoid form indefinitely. The ability is otherwise similar to alter self cast by a 32nd level caster..

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