Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Abraxas, Master of the Final Incantation. Demon Lord of Forbidden Lore and Magic, Demon Lord of Forbidden Knowledge
CR 25 XP: 1,638,400
CE Large humanoid (chaotic, demon, divine, evil, extraplanar)
Init +15; Senses True Seeing; Perception +36
AC 28, touch 20, flat-footed 17 (-1 size, +8 natural, +11 Dex)
HP 255 (21d10+105)
Fort +16, Ref +23, Will +24
DR 20/Cold Iron, Good and Epic; Immune electricity and poison; SR 36; Resist acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10
Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 Claws +25 (1d8 + 5)
Space 10 ft.
Special Attacks Arcane Sense, spells
During Combat Abraxas really hates combat and will try to avoid it by any means. Thanks to his great knowledge an ability to see everything with magic, he will most likely be aware of a coming threat and will do all the necessary preparations, sending all the available minions to ambush the attackers and setting up traps. If forced to take part into the fight, he will stay at the most distance possible, decimating the opponents with his powerful spells. 
Str 20, Dex 32, Con 18, Int 40, Wis 34, Cha 22
Base Atk +21; CMB +27; CMD 48
Feats Dark Speech, Fell Drain, Improved Initiative, Quicken Spell, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Toughness
Skills Diplomacy +30, Intimidate +30, Knowledge (all) +39, Linguistics +39, Perception +36, Spellcraft +39, Use Magic Device +30
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, and Draconic
SQ Antimagic Penetration, Arcane Sense
Other Gear Spellbook
Antimagic Penetration (Su) Abraxas can normally cast spells and use spell-like and supernatural abilities in an Antimagic Field.
Arcane Sense (Su) Abraxas is permanently under the effect of Greater Arcane Sight, as the spell, with caster level equal to his HD. in addition, he is aware of any spell being cast within one mile from him and he automatically recognizes the spell. Once per round as a free action he can make a counterspell attempt to counter a spell he recognized with this ability.
Demigod (Sp) Abraxas grants the Knowledge, Protection and Magic domains to clerics who worship him.
Endless Lore (Ex) Abraxas has the Bardic Knowledge ability of a Bard with level equal to his HD. In addition, he always has the maximum number of ranks possible for his HD in all the Knowledge skills.
Magic Suppression (Su) Abraxas in permanently surrounded by an Anitmagic Field, as the spell, with caster level equal to his HD. An effect that dispels antimagic fields (such as Mage's Disjunction) only suppresses this ability for 1d4 minutes.
Mastersmith (Ex) Abraxas has all the feats existing as bonus feats.
Spells (Ex) Abraxas cast spells as a 17th level wizard. He can prepare any spell from any list, included divine spells. He has pretty much any existing spell written in his spellbook. Abraxas' caster level is equal to his HD (21).
True Seeing (Ex) Permanent, as the spell, with caster level equal to his HD.
Abraxas is one of the oldest demons of the Abyss, though he was never a qlippoth—a primordial inhabitant of the Abyss. Abraxas has gathered dark arcane secrets through countless ages. It is said that Abraxas watched as the aboleths called down the meteor that was responsible for Earthfall on Golarion and began the Age of Darkness, as well as countless other magics best left forgotten. It was through these methods that Abraxas gained knowledge of the Final Incantation, a single word that can completely unmake magic. Abraxas has used the Final Incantation sparingly in the past, as it unbinds many of his own powers, but he has employed it to destroy minor artifacts, permanently strip all magic from a creature, and remove knowledge of a particular spell from the records and minds of an entire planet.
Abraxas is utterly demonic in appearance: he possesses the head of a fanged, deformed bird with a tooth-filled mouth and lizard-like crest behind his head. In place of his legs, Abraxas has a pair of writhing vipers, each with its own head and venomous fangs. Abraxas's torso is humanoid with the exception of his viperous legs and demented head. His two arms end in large claws that wield a flail (Abraxas's favored weapon) and a shield. Some sources replace the flail with a whip that is forked like a serpent's tongue. His whip is said to have the ability to steal thoughts or even prepared spells from those who are struck by it, transferring them to Abraxas for his use, while his shield can animate and attack his enemies.This hunched figure is just 10 feet tall; a grey, shabby skin barely covering a heap of bones without flesh. the head is that of a giant vulture, out of proportion with the rest of the body. He tensely grasps a black book covered in strange symbols with his dirty nails.
Abraxas is the most erudite being in the Abyss, and the most powerful mage among all demons. He is the patron of evil wizards, scholars, and spies. His ability with magic and crafting is unmatched, because of that, it happened more than once through history that other demon lords turned to him in order to obtain a particular artifact or knowledge, and in the end, they came out to be fooled for Abraxas' personal interest. Exemplary is the case of Areex, the once Queen of demons, and the Golden Orb, that caused the Cataclysm and the death of many demon lords. Not much is said about his origin, though demonologists agree that he is older than any other demon lord, barring Orcus. We now report a legend found in the Black Scrolls, believed false by the vast majority of scholars: the legend says that going back to time immemorial, there was an enchanter, whose thirst for knowledge was so strong, that made a pact with a great evil entity in order to obtain omniscience. The fiend kept the promise, but immediately demanded the price: as years passed, the wizard's life force was slowly drained away from him, transforming him in a little more than a walking skeleton. What the mage was searching was the way to fool the demon, breaking the pact and regaining his life, but keeping the secret of omniscience, in order to gain eternal life and power. They say he was just a little step behind discovering this, when death took him and brought him in the Abyss. His ambition stayed unchanged as a demon, too, and eventually he managed to become a demon lord. Scholars do not support this theory because it is considered fictional, and there isn't any proof of its effectiveness. Many of them believe instead that Abraxas originated after a great battle in the material plane, chronicled in some ancient scroll. 
Two large kingdoms were at war one against the other. It is written that during the great final battle, the wizards of the kingdom who was losing gathered up and used their combined magic power to perform a tremendous ritual that wiped out the opponent's army, allowing their fellows to win the war. The price, however, was the death of all those wizards. The power necessary for this horrendous spell was provided by a demonic entity, thus the souls of the wizards fell into the Abyss. When the souls came into the Abyssal ooze, instead of generating one demon each, the fused among themselves to create a single, powerful being, Abraxas. Whether this is true or not, only the Keeper of Secrets knows, but he doesn't like to talk about himself.
Abraxas rules among the 17th layer, Death's reward. It's a naked land or rocks, cliffs and chasms, with little to no vegetation, but he does not care much about it, since he spends all the time into his fortress, Wizard's Coven. This is an immense tower, so tall that it can't be seen the top. Someone says that from the top the upper planes can be seen without the help of any instrument. The tower is structured as an enormous dungeon, in which there are any sort of marvels and dangers. Since the tower is so huge that even Abraxas himself struggles to have the full control on everything that happens inside it, sometimes groups of brave adventurers sneak inside and steal what they think is valuable. They usually don't live much after that, though.
Abraxas' ultimate goal is to become a god. In order to do that, he spent tens of millennia forging a sword called the Godslayer, which has been stolen in the recent past by unknown. His greatest concern now is to find the sword and bring it back into the tower. He is gathering a large number of spies and agents in order to find a clue on where it may be and will reward generously anyone who is able to provide valuable information on that regard. When he is not busy with this, his time is all taken up thinking of an appropriate punishment for the mysterious thief.

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