Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Ilsidahur, the Howling King of Sorrow

Ilsidahur, the Howling King of Sorrow
CR 25 XP: 1,638,400
CE Huge outsider (Chaotic, Cosmic, Evil, Mazza’im)
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 120 ft.; True Seeing; Perception +48
AC 47, touch 23, flat-footed 41 (-2 size, +24 natural, +9 deflection, +5 Dex)
HP 828 (36d10+540)
Fort +31, Ref +25, Will +29
DR 30/good and cold iron; Immune electricity and poison.; SR 35; Resist acid 20, cold 20 and fire 20
Speed 80 ft., climb 60 ft.
Melee 2 claws +53 melee (3d8 + 19) and bite +48 melee (4d6 + 12)
Space 15 ft., Reach 15 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 28th) Always active – detect good, greater magic fang, see invisibility, speak with animals; at will – darkness, disguise self (DC 19), entangle (DC 19), fear (DC 22), greater dispel magic, greater teleport, invisibility, major image (DC 21), telekinesis (DC 23), unholy blight (DC 22); 3/day – blasphemy (DC 25), call lightning storm (DC 25), summon nature’s ally IX, unhallow.
During Combat A demon’s natural weapons, as well as any weapon it wields, is treated as chaotic and evil for the purpose of resolving damage reduction
Str 38, Dex 21, Con 32, Int 24, Wis 29, Cha 27
Base Atk +36; CMB +52; CMD 76
Feats Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dark Speech, Dodge, Epic Toughness, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Legendary Wrestler, Mobility, Power Attack, Run, Spring Attack
Skills Acrobatics +48, Bluff +27, Climb +61, Diplomacy +30, Escape Artist +30, Handle Animal +47, Intimidate +49, Knowledge (nature) +46, Knowledge (planes) +26, Perception +48, Sense Motive +25, Stealth +44, Survival +48, Swim +53
  Racial Modifiers +4 to Stealth, +10 to Acrobatics
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, and Draconic; telepathy 500 ft.
Environment Gaping Maw (The Abyss)
Organization Solitary (unique) or with court (5d% bar-lgura)
Treasure triple standard
Abduction (Su) Ilsidahur can bring along other creatures when he teleports. He can bring up to one Huge, two Large or four Medium or smaller creatures at a time. Unwilling creatures are allowed a Will save (DC 36) to resist.
Aura of Simian Command (Su) All simian creatures feel a strange bond of attraction to Ilsidahur. Before such a creature takes any hostile action against Ilsidahur, it must attempt a DC 30 Will save. Failure indicates that the creature's action fails and is wasted. This aura extends to a radius of 120 feet. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Aura of Simian Undeath (Su) All ape, monkey, and other simian corpses within 120 feet of Ilsidahur arise as Skeletons or Zombies under Ilsidahur's command. Ilsidahur can command up to 60 HD of undead in this manner.
Piercing Scream (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, Ilsidahur can emit a piercing scream. All creatures within one mile that can hear Ilsidahur must succeed on a DC 30 Will save or be panicked for 2d6 rounds. Even on a successful save, the victim is still shaken for 1 round. This is a sonic, mind-affecting, fear effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Pounce (Ex) If Ilsidahur charges a foe, he can make a full attack.
Rend (Ex) When Ilsidahur is grappling with an opponent, he can attempt to pull the creature apart, dealing 6d8 + 28 points of damage and ending the grapple.
True Seeing (Su) Ilsidahur has a continuous true seeing ability, as the spell (caster level 20th).
Ilsidahur is a demon lord. Called the Howling King, he claims rulership over the simian demons known as bar-lguras, and is served by nalfeshnees as well. Ilsidahur appears as a 12-foot-tall ape with a long prehensile tail and bronze ram-like horns. He particularly prizes objects made of bronze. His layer of the Guttering Grove is a jungle realm filled with bar-lguras, nalfeshnees and other simian monsters.
Patron of the miserable and depressed, Ilsidahur is a deplorable wretch that feeds on the negative feelings of other beings. He craves loneliness, so it is rare for him to muscle in the affairs of other demon lords, preferring to spend his time luring new victims to his realm and sucking away all the joy and happiness they might possess. Demonologists say that Ilsidahur was once a beautiful lad, of noble birth, who lived amongst luxuries and pleasures. He was surrounded by people who loved him and had a perfect existence, the one which everyone wishes for. Yet, such perfection soon began to tire him, and he desired to experience other kinds of pleasures, secret, forbidden ones. He discovered the cult of Malcanthet and committed himself to it. He began to give great parties in his mansion, in which the guests used to go wild and had orgies for many consecutive days. But not even this was enough to satiate Ilsidahur's thirst for thrill. Taking advantage of the confusion, he began to catch people in the middle of the party and bring them in a secret room in the house. At first, he restricted himself to simply kill them, to feel the hot blood on his hands, a sensation that thrilled him like anything else. Then, when this custom was a newness no more, he started to torture the poor victims, in more and more sophisticated ways, for entire days or even weeks. After some time, people began to realize that the house was a disappearances scene and very soon no one wanted to take part to Ilsidahur's parties no more. Found himself without raw material for his sick games all of a sudden, he started to go to the city at night and kidnapping beggars and anyone else foolish enough to wander alone, such as nobles went on a secret date with their lovers. Rumors began to spread among the citizen, and the multitude related the vanishings to the lonely and eccentric noble living in the mansion on the hill. When the situation became unbearable, the citizens gathered and started a riot against Ilsidahur, marching to the hill. They broke in and inspected all the mansion, and when they found the room of horrors, any doubt was driven out. The wrathful people burned the house along with all the property, but they didn't manage to find Ilsidahur, who escaped right before the beginning of the riot. Still, the crowd was satisfied and the story of Ilsidahur the monster was quickly forgotten, except by some of the oldest inhabitants, who remembered that days of horror for many years. Ilsidahur spent the rest of his life as a tramp, wandering from a city to another, living with struggle. Death found him as the caricature of a man, utterly insane, with no morality left in his heart. Malcanthet claimed his soul, but as soon as it came into the Abyssal ooze, it emerged as something completely new and unexpected. The infinite grudge bore by Ilsidahur in life transformed him into a figure of pain and grief, giving birth to the Howling King of Sorrow. At first, Ilsidahur's existence caused a lot of trouble to the other demon lords, since no one anticipated the sudden birth of such a powerful entity, assaulting indiscriminately every demon and wanderer in his path and thus provoking major losses and disorders. Still, no demon lord wanted to challenge Ilsidahur directly because his (her) rivals could have taken advantage of the situation to undertake a move against him (her). Eventually, Areex resolved to send against him her newest trained and most powerful assassin, Lynkhab. The fight between the two was memorable, and in the end the assassin went to the wall and was forced to flee. Ilsidahur, however, ended up seriously wounded and chose to retreat in the 90th layer, from which he never went out since then.
Ilsidahur's realm is called the Withered Groove and is a tangled forest of grey, dried shrubs and trees. The entire layer is a maze in which Ilsidahur likes to lure his victims, that slowly lose their sanity trying to find a way to escape. The layer also contains a permanent, but intermittent portal that leads to Avernus. When the portal is open, hordes of devils invade the layer, summoning as a response the demons of Alzrius, thus extending the Blood War into Ilsidahur's realm. Ilsidahur is happy (pun intended) with that, since after the battle many demons and devils remain trapped into the maze, feeding the Howling King with their despair. Alzrius, though, is less happy to lose soldiers and sooner or later may take measures against this.
Originally Posted by Kain Darkwind of the Dicefreaks d20 Community.

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