Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Daimon Hellstrom

two variations of every ones favorite antichrist

Daimon Hellstrom
Male Fiendish Overdeity; Large Outsider (Devil, Extraplanar, Evil, Lawful)
Outsider18 Aristocrat10 Wizard15 Archmage5
Hit Dice: (18d8) + (10d8) + (15d4) + (5d4) +1344
Hit Points: 1544
Initiative: +16
Speed: Walk 240 ft., Fly 240 ft.
AC: 134 (touch 90, flatfooted 118)
Attacks: *Bite +79; *Claw +84/+84; *Tail Slap +79; *Trident +9 (Large/Bane (Outsiders (good))/ Ability Bonus (Enhancement)WIS +6/ Epic AC Bonus (Deflection) (+20)/ Epic Save Bonus (Sacred) (+9)/Fiery Blast/Flaming Burst/Ghost touch/Unholy Power) +98/+93/+88/+83; *Trident +9 (Large/Bane (Outsiders (good))/ Ability Bonus (Enhancement)WIS +6/ Epic AC Bonus (Deflection) (+20)/ Epic Save Bonus (Sacred) (+9)/Fiery Blast/Flaming Burst/Ghost touch/Unholy Power/Thrown) +93/+88/+83/+78; *Wing +79/+79;
Damage: *Bite 4d6+35; *Claw 2d8+46; *Tail Slap 2d8+35; *Trident +9 (Large/Bane (Outsiders (good))/ Ability Bonus (Enhancement)WIS +6/ Epic AC Bonus (Deflection) (+20)/ Epic Save Bonus (Sacred) (+9)/Fiery Blast/Flaming Burst/Ghost touch/Unholy Power) 2d6+76; *Trident +9 (Large/Bane (Outsiders (good))/ Ability Bonus (Enhancement)WIS +6/ Epic AC Bonus (Deflection) (+20)/ Epic Save Bonus (Sacred) (+9)/Fiery Blast/Flaming Burst/Ghost touch/Unholy Power/Thrown) 2d6+30; *Wing 2d6+35;
Vision: Darkvision (60 ft.)
Face / Reach: 10 ft. / 10 ft.
Special Attacks: Arcane Fire, Constrict, Fear Aura, Improved Grab, Poison, Spell-Like Abilities, Spell-Like Ability (Antimagic Field, Mage's Disjunction), Summon Devil
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 15/Good and Silver; 10/Epic, Spell Resistance 126, Spell Power, Darkvision, Divine Rank, Divine Speed, Evil Traits, Extraplanar Traits, Fast Healing, Grant Spells, Immortal, Immunity to Ability Damage, Immunity to Ability Drain, Immunity To Acid, Immunity To Cold, Immunity To Electricity, Immunity To Energy Drain, Immunity To Fire, Immunity To Mind-Affecting, Immunity To Poison, Immunity To Transmutation, Lawful Traits, Mastery of Elements, Natural Weapons Treated as Epic, Outsider Traits, Regeneration, See in Darkness, Summon, Telepathy, Weapon and Armor Proficiency, Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Saves: Fortitude: +78, Reflex: +78, Will: +92
Abilities: STR 52 (+21), DEX 43 (+16), CON 43 (+16), INT 51 (+20), WIS 54 (+22), CHA 44 (+17)
Skills:  Appraise: 30; Balance: 26; Bluff: 27; Climb: 31; Climb (Using a rope): 41; Concentration: 26; Concentration (Cast defensively): 36; Craft (Untrained): 30; Diplomacy: 27; Disguise: 27; Disguise (Act in character): 37; Escape Artist: 26; Escape Artist (Escape from rope bonds): 36; Forgery: 30; Gather Information: 27; Heal: 32; Hide: 22; Intimidate: 27; Jump: 115; Knowledge (Arcana): 56; Listen: 32; Move Silently: 26; Ride: 26; Search: 30; Search (Notice unusual stonework): 40; Search (Secret doors and hidden compartments): 40; Sense Motive: 32; Spellcraft: 78; Spot: 32; Survival: 32; Survival (Find or follow tracks): 42; Survival (Lost/Natural hazards): 42; Survival (Natural environments): 42; Survival (The Planes): 42; Survival (Underground): 42; Swim: 31; Swim (Avoid taking nonlethal fatigue damage): 41; Use Rope: 26; Use Rope (Bind someone): 36;
Feats: Ability Focus (Draining Touch), Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Automatic Silent Spell, Empower Spell-Like Ability (Meteor Swarm), Greater Spell Focus (Evocation), Improved Metamagic, Improved Spell Capacity (CLASS.Wizard;LEVEL.20), Martial Weapon Proficiency, Permanent Emanation (Enervation), Polyglot, Quicken Spell, Reach Spell, Repeat Spell, Repeat Spell, Sacred Spell, Scribe Scroll, Shield Proficiency, Silent Spell, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (Evocation, Conjuration), Spell Mastery (Fireball), Spell Mastery (Fireball), Spell Penetration, Tenacious Magic (Fireball), Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Focus (Trident)
Challenge Rating: 64
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Possessions: Bite; Claw; Tail Slap; Trident +9 (Large/Bane (Outsiders (good))/ Ability Bonus (Enhancement) WIS +6/ Epic AC Bonus (Deflection) (+20)/ Epic Save Bonus (Sacred) (+9)/Fiery Blast/Flaming Burst/Ghost touch/Unholy Power); Wing;
Prepared Spells Prepared Spell List: Wizard (CL 20):
0th - dancing lights, disrupt undead, ray of frost, read magic
1st - burning hands (DC 33), color spray (DC 31), identify, magic missile (4), protection from evil (DC 31), protection from good (DC 31)
2nd - bull's strength (DC 32), cat's grace (DC 32), ghoul touch (DC 32), mirror image, protection from arrows (DC 32), scorching ray, see invisibility, summon swarm, web (DC 33)
3rd - dispel magic (3), displacement (DC 33), fireball (5) (DC 35)
4th - detect scrying, dimension door, dimensional anchor, enervation, fire shield, ice storm, invisibility, greater (DC 34), stoneskin (2) (DC 34)
5th - cone of cold (DC 37), dismissal (3) (DC 35), globe of invulnerability (lesser) [silent spell], hold monster (DC 35), permanency, teleport
6th - antimagic field, chain lightning (2) (DC 38), contingency, disintegrate (2) (DC 36), heroism, greater (DC 36), true seeing (DC 36)
7th - banishment (DC 37) , delayed blast fireball (DC 39) , finger of death (DC 37) , mage's magnificent mansion , plane shift (DC 38) , prismatic spray (2) (DC 39) , spell turning
8th - horrid wilting (DC 38) , maddening scream , maze , polar ray , prismatic wall (DC 38) , protection from spells (DC 38) , sunburst (DC 40) , temporal stasis (DC 38)
9th - cloudkill [quicken spell] (DC 36) , energy drain (DC 39) , etherealness , meteor swarm , prismatic sphere (DC 39) , time stop , wail of the banshee (DC 39) (CL ): (CL ): (CL ):
Innate Spell-like Abilities: Blasphemy, Create Undead, Dispel Magic, Greater, Fireball, Hold Monster, Mass, Invisibility, Magic Circle against Good, Meteor Swarm, Persistent Image, Power Word Stun, Greater Teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), Unholy Aura
Wizard - Spells per Day: (4/9/9/9/9/5/8/8/7/ DC: 30 + spell level); Known:
Level 0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue Level 1: Alarm, Animate Rope, Burning Hands, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Undead, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Enlarge Person, Erase, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Floating Disk, Grease, Hold Portal, Hypnotism, Identify, Jump, Mage Armor, Magic Aura, Magic Missile, Magic Weapon, Mount, Obscuring Mist, Protection from Chaos, Protection from Evil, Protection from Good, Protection from Law, Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce Person, Shield, Shocking Grasp, Silent Image, Sleep, Summon Monster I, True Strike, Unseen Servant, Ventriloquism
Level 2: Acid Arrow, Alter Self, Arcane Lock, Bear's Endurance, Blindness/Deafness, Blur, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Command Undead, Continual Flame, Darkness, Darkvision, Daze Monster, Detect Thoughts, Eagle's Splendor, False Life, Flaming Sphere, Fog Cloud, Fox's Cunning, Ghoul Touch, Glitterdust, Gust of Wind, Hideous Laughter, Hypnotic Pattern, Invisibility, Knock, Levitate, Locate Object, Magic Mouth, Minor Image, Mirror Image, Misdirection, Obscure Object, Owl's Wisdom, Phantom Trap, Protection from Arrows, Pyrotechnics, Resist Energy, Rope Trick, Scare, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility, Shatter, Spectral Hand, Spider Climb, Summon Monster II, Summon Swarm, Touch of Idiocy, Web, Whispering Wind
Level 3: Arcane Sight, Blacklight, Blink, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Daylight, Deep Slumber, Dispel Magic, Displacement, Explosive Runes, Fireball, Flame Arrow, Fly, Gaseous Form, Gentle Repose, Halt Undead, Haste, Heroism, Hold Person, Illusory Script, Invisibility Sphere, Keen Edge, Lightning Bolt, Magic Circle against Chaos, Magic Circle against Evil, Magic Circle against Good, Magic Circle against Law, Magic Weapon, Greater, Major Image, Nondetection, Phantom Steed, Protection from Energy, Rage, Ray of Exhaustion, Secret Page, Sepia Snake Sigil, Shrink Item, Sleet Storm, Slow, Stinking Cloud, Suggestion, Summon Monster III, Telepathic Bond, Lesser, Tiny Hut, Tongues, Vampiric Touch, Water Breathing, Wind Wall
Level 4: Animate Dead, Arcane Eye, Bestow Curse, Black Tentacles, Charm Monster, Confusion, Contagion, Crushing Despair, Detect Scrying, Dimension Door, Dimensional Anchor, Dweomer of Transference, Enervation, Enlarge Person, Mass, Fear, Fire Shield, Fire Trap, Geas, Lesser, Globe of Invulnerability (Lesser), Hallucinatory Terrain, Ice Storm, Illusory Wall, Invisibility, Greater, Locate Creature, Minor Creation, Mnemonic Enhancer, Phantasmal Killer, Polymorph, Rainbow Pattern, Reduce Person, Mass, Remove Curse, Resilient Sphere, Scrying, Secure Shelter, Shadow Conjuration, Shout, Solid Fog, Stone Shape, Stoneskin, Summon Monster IV, Wall of Fire, Wall of Ice
Level 5: Animal Growth, Baleful Polymorph, Blight, Break Enchantment, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Contact Other Plane, Dismissal, Dominate Person, Dream, Fabricate, False Vision, Feeblemind, Hold Monster, Interposing Hand, Mage's Faithful Hound, Mage's Private Sanctum, Magic Jar, Major Creation, Mind Fog, Mirage Arcana, Nightmare, Overland Flight, Passwall, Permanency, Persistent Image, Planar Binding, Lesser, Prying Eyes, Psychic Turmoil, Secret Chest, Seeming, Sending, Shadow Evocation, Summon Monster V, Symbol of Pain, Symbol of Sleep, Telekinesis, Telepathic Bond, Teleport, Transmute Mud to Rock, Transmute Rock to Mud, Wall of Force, Wall of Stone, Waves of Fatigue
Level 6: Acid Fog, Analyze Dweomer, Antimagic Field, Bear's Endurance, Mass, Bull's Strength, Mass, Cat's Grace, Mass, Chain Lightning, Circle of Death, Contingency, Control Water, Create Undead, Disintegrate, Dispel Magic, Greater, Eagle's Splendor, Mass, Eyebite, Flesh to Stone, Forceful Hand, Fox's Cunning, Mass, Freezing Sphere, Geas/Quest, Globe of Invulnerability, Guards and Wards, Hardening, Heroism, Greater, Legend Lore, Mage's Lucubration, Mental Pinnacle, Mislead, Move Earth, Owl's Wisdom, Mass, Permanent Image, Planar Binding, Probe Thoughts, Programmed Image, Repulsion, Shadow Walk, Stone to Flesh, Suggestion, Mass, Summon Monster VI, Symbol of Fear, Symbol of Persuasion, Transformation, True Seeing, Undeath to Death, Veil, Wall of Iron
Level 7: Arcane Sight, Greater, Banishment, Control Undead, Control Weather, Delayed Blast Fireball, Ethereal Jaunt, Finger of Death, Forcecage, Grasping Hand, Hold Person, Mass, Insanity, Instant Summons, Invisibility, Mass, Limited Wish, Mage's Magnificent Mansion, Mage's Sword, Phase Door, Plane Shift, Power Word Blind, Prismatic Spray, Project Image, Psychic Turmoil, Greater, Reverse Gravity, Scrying, Greater, Sequester, Shadow Conjuration, Greater, Simulacrum, Spell Turning, Statue, Summon Monster VII, Symbol of Stunning, Symbol of Weakness, Teleport, Greater, Teleport Object, Vision, Waves of Exhaustion
Level 8: Antipathy, Binding, Charm Monster, Mass, Clenched Fist, Clone, Create Greater Undead, Demand, Dimensional Lock, Discern Location, Horrid Wilting, Incendiary Cloud, Iron Body, Irresistible Dance, Maddening Scream, Maze, Mind Blank, Moment of Prescience, Planar Binding, Greater, Polar Ray, Polymorph Any Object, Power Word Stun, Prismatic Wall, Protection from Spells, Prying Eyes, Greater, Scintillating Pattern, Screen, Shadow Evocation, Greater, Shout, Greater, Summon Monster VIII, Sunburst, Symbol of Death, Symbol of Insanity, Sympathy, Telekinetic Sphere, Temporal Stasis, Trap the Soul
Level 9: Astral Projection, Crushing Hand, Dominate Monster, Energy Drain, Etherealness, Foresight, Freedom, Gate, Hold Monster, Mass, Imprisonment, Mage's Disjunction, Meteor Swarm, Power Word Kill, Prismatic Sphere, Refuge, Shades, Shapechange, Soul Bind, Summon Monster IX, Teleportation Circle, Time Stop, Wail of the Banshee, Weird, Wish
Devil Prince, Daimon Hellstorm
CR 64                                                                                                         XP: 1,288,490,188,800
Male devil-spawn aristocrat 10/wizard 15/ archmage 5
LN Large outsider (Extraplanar, Lawful)
Init +12; Senses See in Darkness, telepathy 100 ft.; Perception +63
AC 62, touch 38, flat-footed 54 (-1 size, +24 natural, +21 deflection, +8 Dex)
HP 1125 (51d8+717); regeneration 15
Fort +53, Ref +43, Will +45
DR 25/epic and chaotic and silver; Immune fire and poison; SR 51; Resist acid 10 and cold 10
Speed 50 ft., fly 80 ft. (good)
Melee Rod of Infernum +84/+79/+74/+69 (1d10+34) bite +73 (2d8+21 plus 1d8 acid) tail sting +73 (2d8+21 plus poison); or 2 claws +78 (2d6+28 plus 1d8 acid) bite +73 (2d8+21 plus 1d8 acid) tail sting +73 (2d8+21 plus poison)
Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks Acid, gaze weapons, poison, spell-like abilities, spells, summon arch devil, summon devils
Spell-Like Abilities At will—alter self, animate dead, blasphemy (DC 29), charm monster (DC 26), daylight, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect magic, detect thoughts (DC 24), discern location, dominate monster, fireball (DC 25), geas/quest (DC 28), greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), hold monster (DC 27), ice storm (DC 26), magic circle against good, major image (DC 25), mass charm monster (DC 30), polymorph, produce flame, pyrotechnics (DC 24), read magic, resurrection, see invisibility, suggestion (DC 25), tongues, unholy aura (DC 30), unhallow, wall of fire, wall of ice; 2/day— greater restoration, meteor swarm, shapechange, symbol of fear (DC 28), symbol of pain (DC 27), symbol of persuasion (DC 28), symbol of death (DC 30); 1/day—wish. Caster level 39th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
Str 38, Dex 26, Con 36, Int 28, Wis 28, Cha 34
Base Atk +51; CMB +66; CMD 105
Feats Blinding Speed, Cleave, Combat Casting, Craft Rod, Craft Wondrous Item, Empower Spell, Enhance Spell, Epic Spellcasting, Extend Spell, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Legendary Tracker, Maximize Spell, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Sudden Silent, Toughness
Skills Acrobatics +62, Bluff +70, Craft (alchemy) +63, Diplomacy +70, Intimidate +66, Knowledge (arcana) +63, Knowledge (planes) +63, Knowledge (religion) +63, Linguistics +63, Perception +63, Sense Motive +67, Spellcraft +63, Survival +63
  Racial Modifiers a +4 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Infernal, Sylvan and Terran.
SQ outsider traits, planar omniscience
Gear Daimon Hellstorm’s black iron rod functions as a +6 greatclub and has the following abilities: Annihilation Ray: Once per round, and no more than five times per day, the rod can fire a ray to a range of 60 feet. A creature struck by this ray must succeed on a DC 40 Fortitude save or be annihilated instantly—not even a trace of dust is left behind. No form of mortal magic can restore life to a creature annihilated by this ray. Daimon Hellstorm or a deity of divine rank 1 or higher can restore the annihilated creature to life using magic. Rod of Rulership: The rod has all of the abilities and powers of a rod of rulership Trap the Soul: Once per round, and no more than three times per day, the rod can fire a ray of hellish-red energy to a range of 60 feet that functions as a trap the soul spell (caster level 20th). A target can make a DC 40 Will save to resist the effects. If failed, the victim’s soul vanishes into Daimon Hellstorm’s rod. Up to 10 such souls can be held in the rod at one time. A trapped soul may be freed by grasping the rod and speaking a command word. Any non-devil that touches the rod takes 10d8 points of electricity damage per round of contact (no save) and gains two negative levels each round it touches the rod. The Fortitude save to remove a negative level has a DC of 40 and can result in actual level loss on a failed save (unlike other magic items that bestow negative levels). The negative levels cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the rod is wielded. Any good-aligned creature that touches the rod takes 3d6 points of Constitution drain each round it touches the rod (DC 40 Fortitude save for half).
Environment Hellstorm's Apartment with multiple openings throughout the planes
Organization Solitary or troupe (Daimon Hellstorm plus 2-4 pit fiends)
Treasure Triple standard, plus Rod of Infernum
Acid (Ex) Daimon Hellstorm secretes acid at will from his sharpened claws and fangs. Any melee hit with his claws or fangs deals acid damage.
Gaze Weapons (Su) Daimon Hellstorm has two gaze weapons. He may use one each round as a standard action. Each gaze weapon has a range of 30 feet and functions as a spell cast by a 39th-level sorcerer. Each gaze attack has a save DC of 47. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Descent into Evil (Ex) Any creature meeting Daimon Hellstorm’s gaze must make a successful Will save or have his alignment shift one step toward lawful evil on the law-chaos axis or the good-evil axis. A lawful evil creature is unaffected by this gaze attack. A successful save renders a creature immune to this gaze weapon for one day.
Curse (Ex) Any creature meeting Daimon Hellstorm’s gaze must succeed at a Will save or be affected as if by a double strength bestow curse spell (-12 to one ability score or -6 to two ability scores; or -8 enhancement penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks; or each turn the target has a 25% chance to act normally, otherwise he takes no action; Daimon Hellstorm chooses the curse when he uses this special attack). A successful save renders a creature immune to this gaze weapon for one day. This curse can be dispelled by making a caster level check against DC 50.
Poison (Ex) Daimon Hellstorm’s tail ends in a deadly stinger that delivers lethal venom with a successful sting attack. Injury, Fort DC 48, initial and secondary damage 3d6 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Summn Arch Devil (Ex) Once per week, Daimon Hellstorm can attempt to summon each arch devil to his palace on the nethermost plane of Hell. The arch devil in question receives a spell resistance roll against caster level 39th to avoid this summoning, though most obey Daimon Hellstorm’s command and appear without question. Note: Daimon Hellstorm cannot currently use this ability while in Infernum. This ability is the equivalent of a 9th level spell.
Summon Devils (Sp) Three times per day Daimon Hellstorm can automatically summon 4d10 lemures, 2d8 bearded devils or chain devils, 2d4 bone devils, ice devils, or erinyes, 1d6 barbed devils, or 1d3 pit fiends. This ability is the equivalent of a 9th level spell.
Planar Omniscience (Ex) All-knowing (CL 39th), all-sensing (10 miles), block sensing (10 miles), planar knowledge.
Regeneration (Ex) Daimon Hellstorm takes normal damage from good-aligned epic silver weapons, and from spells or effects with the good descriptor.
This exquisitely handsome humanoid stands at least 10 feet tall. His hair is long and reddish as is his neatly trimmed and forked beard. His hands end in wicked claws and his feet are cloven. A long snake-like tail dances behind him and intertwines itself around the massive triple-pronged pitchfork he carries. Two oversized and backward-curving blackened horns jut from his head. He is cloaked in a suit of banded armor that glistens with the color of the night sky. Daimon Hellstorm stands 10 feet tall and weighs 300 pounds.
Daimon Hellstorm’s father has many names: The Prince of Lies, The Prince of Darkness, The Adversary, The Prince of Light, and Satan. It is believed that Lucifer was the first devil in existence, having been cast down from the heavens when he challenged the rulings of the gods of law and good. After being cast down, Lucifer constructed a plane he called Hell. There he built his palace of iron and basalt on the lowest and darkest region of Hell. He divided this realm into nine distinct regions and appointed his closest allies to rule. Each lord was allowed to mould and shape his domain as he saw fit, but all paid homage to Lucifer.
A millennia passed and Lucifer reigned supreme in Hell. During this time, one of the lieutenants (each of which had now become known as arch-devils or rulers) decided he could do a much better job of running Hell than Lucifer could. Asmodeus coveted the Throne of Hell and wanted it for himself. Using his powers of persuasion, he promised each and every other arch-devil that stood with him and challenged Lucifer a larger role in the ‘new’ Hell. Those that stood against him, he said, would be destroyed or cast out of Hell along with Lucifer when the end came. This time in Hell’s history became known as the Great Uprising.
Asmodeus managed to sway every single arch-devil, save one. Belial refused to stand with Asmodeus and barely escaped capture at the hands of the other arch-devils. When the battle for Hell’s Throne commenced, Belial, Lucifer and their allies stood fast against the mighty armies of the other arch-devils. In the end however, the sheer numbers of devils that fought against Lucifer overwhelmed his armies and those that stood with him.
Lucifer and his allies were forced to flee Hell or face destruction. The sole exception was Belial. Near the end of the war when he saw that Lucifer would likely lose the Throne, Belial turned and joined Asmodeus’ ranks and helped oust Lucifer from Hell. Cast out, Lucifer wanted vengeance. But vengeance required power, and he was tired, injured and weakened from the time spent battling in Hell. He needed a place to rest, a place to grow in power, and a place to plan. Thus he created Infernum.
Lucifer is said to be one with the plane. As the gods of law are to the planes of good, so is Lucifer to Infernum. Nothing goes unnoticed by him on Infernum. All movements are seen, all whispers are heard. A plan is not hatched or contrived in this place without Lucifer’s knowledge. When people speak of Infernum, they speak of Lucifer and vice versa. No creature, it is thought, stands a chance against Lucifer on Infernum, not even the archdevils that stood against him a millennia ago. But Lucifer knows that when the battle comes, he will have to fight the arch-devils on their own planes, not on Infernum, and he is preparing for just that.
By sending his son to the Material Plane to corrupt good-aligned beings and convert those currently paying homage to Hell’s rulers, Lucifer grows in strength. And this strength gives him power, power that surpasses any he ever had—including his near deific powers he possessed in the planes of good. And when his power finally reaches its pinnacle, he will travel to Hell and destroy it and every single inhabitant. Hellstorm is unconcerned with his father’s schemes. He only cares about having fun. and having fun with his superheroic buddies.
The Hell-Lords had long desired to sire a child with a human woman for use as a gateway to gain further power. A devil calling himself Satan took human form and established the trappings of a mortal life for himself near Fire Lakes Keeping his true identity a secret, he married a young woman, Victoria Wingate. Daimon was born to the "Hellstroms" a year later with a strange pentagram-shaped birthmark on his chest. His sister, Satana, was born when Daimon was three.
When Hellstrom was a young adolescent, Victoria interrupted a ritual sacrifice Satan had staged in their basement involving the participation of Satana. Traumatized to the point of hysteria, Victoria was institutionalized.] She eventually regained enough of her sanity to write a full diary describing her life with the demon before she died. Hellstrom and his sister meanwhile were placed in separate orphanages, and Satan disappeared to his netherworld domain, where he eventually brought Satana.
Hellstrom ultimately entered a monastery, hoping to become a priest. Shortly before being ordained, however, Hellstrom received legal notification of his inheritance of his father's house, where he found his mother's diary and learned the truth about his birth. At that point, Satan, aware of his son's new knowledge, directed him telepathically through the house's secret basement interdimensional passageway to the demon's netherworld domain, or "Hell." Hellstrom's father beseeched his son to disregard his mother's diary's warnings and serve him in Hell. However, when Satan transported Hellstrom back to Earth, Hellstrom decided to dedicate himself to fighting his father's evil. He immediately returned to Hell in an attempt to battle Satan. Although he failed to defeat Satan outright, Hellstrom managed to pit many of Satan's slaves against their master as well as to steal the satanic trident of Satan and a demon-drawn chariot before returning to Earth. Hellstrom also discovered the powers of the Darksoul that he had inherited from his father. He declared himself the Son of Satan, and for the next several years battled many manifestations of demonic evil on Earth as well as other realms.
During this period, the Son of Satan maintained his civilian identity of occult expert Daimon Hellstrom and was a visiting specialist professor at a St. Louis college. Hellstrom battled many adversaries of his father, and he even battled his sister, Satana, who had become a succubus. On several occasions, Hellstrom aided other heroes in occult battle, including the Ghost Rider. He became affiliated with the hero team Defenders in their battles with demonic possessions and threats,eventually becoming a member. During his Defenders membership, Daimon Hellstrom met and fell in love with his teammate Hellcat.
It was during this period, too, that he finally confronted his father and defeated him. Shortly afterward, the Son of Satan declared himself triumphant over his father and his father's influence. Then, the Miracle Man, a superhumanly powered criminal who had masqueraded as a monk, stole the Darksoul from Hellstrom in battle. The Miracle Man himself was subsequently defeated and the Darksoul was sent into a snake. Daimon Hellstrom was finally liberated from his partial possession by demonic evil, and, with much of his powers gone, he retired his costumed identity of the Son of Satan.
Daimon Hellstrom thereupon married Hellcat and the couple left the Defenders, moving to Cheliax. He and his wife soon earned a reputation as supernatural investigators based there. Hellstrom continued to publish regularly in scholarly occult journals and became considered a leading demonologist. Daimon Hellstrom created a costumed identity of Hellstorm when battling supernatural menaces in public in order to preserve Daimon Hellstrom's professional reputation. In this capacity, they helped several superheroes in mystical problems, notably the Avengers West Coast branch.
Over time, however, Hellstrom grew increasingly weak, due to the separation from his Darksoul, until he lay near death. In desperation, Hellcat used an ancient, dark spell book in order to summon Hellstrom's father. She asked him to restore Hellstrom's Darksoul, provoking the demon by saying Satan needed Hellstrom as someone to test himself against. Satan agreed, restoring Hellstrom's Darksoul although Hellcat was driven insane at the sight of it. Hellstrom said he was grateful for his wife's actions, but if the situations were reversed, he would have left her to die. Hellcat, due to her insanity, eventually died by calling upon the entity Deathurge.
Hellstrom once more began battling his father and demonic agents. Hellstrom gathered around him several agents of his own, including the villainous Nekra, Gabriel the Devil-Hunter, and the Gargoyle. During this time, Hellstrom's friend Jaine Cutter had remained by his side, hoping that her presence would "bring out the best" in him, and the two formed a type of romantic relationship. He also made a deal with the witch LaVoisin, impregnating her to learn about his father, including his true name.
Using this information, Daimon was able to slay his father. Hellstrom was given the 'Black Halo' and lordship of Hell. He claimed doing so would maintain the balance between Heaven and Hell, so neither could take control of the workings of the Universe and humanity could control their own destiny. He learned that LaVoisin gave birth to a son, whom he realized is the resurrected Marduk Kurios.
Selene wished to create a demonic version of the world-conquering Hellfire Club. She began associating with Blackheart. Blackheart and the Queen clashed with the Fantastic Four, Margali Szardos, Hellstorm, and a mysterious new figure called the Mechamage. The Hellfire Club was defeated in that encounter, and Blackheart was mystically bound into the Club's basement. Hellstrom then joined the Hellfire Club as its new White King as the means to balance the forces of good and evil in the Club's Inner Circle. Hellstrom, Szardos, Moy and the Mechamage agreed to remain together to defend the Earth against other demonic threats, calling themselves the Shadow Hunters. However, Hellstorm later claimed that the formation of the Shadow Hunters was a ruse to placate the Fantastic Four as they parted company.
Hellcat's soul had ended up in the realm of the demon Mephisto, fighting an eternal battle in the so-called Arena of Tainted Souls, alongside fallen hero Mockingbird. The two discovered sketchy details about a plot that Hellstrom was developing. Mockingbird was able to send a warning to her husband, the hero Hawkeye, during a brief resurrection, and Hawkeye and his team the Thunderbolts confronted Hellstrom and then used their sorcerous connections to go to Hell in order to rescue Mockingbird. They were tricked, however, by Hellstrom, and the Thunderbolts rescued Hellcat instead, restoring her body to Earth as Hellstrom had planned.
The extradimensional sorcerer Dormammu later tried a direct invasion to invade and take over the regions of Hell, beginning with the realm of Mephisto. Mephisto joined with fellow rulers of Hell, Satannish the Supreme and obstenibly Hellstrom, to oppose Dormammu, but was ultimately betrayed by Satannish, who revealed his true origins as a "stalking horse" for Dormammu.
Dormammu and Satannish nearly succeeded in annexing Mephisto's realm, but the hero Hellcat, who had stumbled onto the plot, managed to bring together Hellstrom and the death-gods Pluto and Hela and ultimately defeat Dormammu. As it is now known, the several incarnations of Hell are shaped by the subconscious thoughts (and fears) of those who would dwell within them. This loophole allowed Hela, Pluto, Hellstorm and Mephisto to temporarily change the nature of Satannish and Mephisto's dimensions, ruled at the time by Satannish and Dormammu respectively, to frozen wastelands. This neutralized the power of Dormammu's Faltinian Flames rendering him too weak to fight. He fled to the Dark Dimension with Nicholas Scratch in tow.
Satannish, alone and demoralized at the rout of his master, was easily destroyed with a blast of mystical energy (in the back) from Mephisto as he reclaimed his world. During these events Dormammu had revealed, his supposed ace in the hole -- that Satannish was in fact a demon of his own creation and was the demon who had fathered Hellstorm. This was later exposed as a falsehood which Daimon had played along with in order to drive his former wife away for her own protection.
Hellstorm used this claim to assume control over Satannish's realm, and inherit Dormammu's right to rule as designated by the powerful "Flames of Faltine." However, without either Satannish or Dormammu backing Daimon, Mephisto was able to gain control of the vast majority of "Hell."
When the demon Olivier attacked the other realms, Daimon and Doctor Strange observed Frank Castle (who had been temporarily empowered by angels as repentance for his family's death) defeat the demon.
After Doctor Strange gave up his position as Sorcerer Supreme, Hellstrom was involved in the search for the next one. Brother Voodoo became the new Sorcerer Supreme, but eventually died protecting Earth from Agamotto.
After the demonic invasion in Vegas was averted, Daimon - who had discovered the Descent (the day when a Hell-Lord would become more powerful and the ones they marked would become a demon as well as their heirs) was real after seeing Agent Venom, Red Hulk, X-23 and the new Ghost Rider's hellmarks - betrayed the Avengers and joined forces with Sin in her plot to raze the world using the hammers of the Worthy.
He was killed by Victoria Hand, who was being possessed by the spirit of Brother Voodoo's brother in revenge for the death of his brother. However, his spirit didn't die as he appeared along the Ancient One when Doctor Strange regained his mantle as Sorcerer Supreme, telling Strange and the New Avengers that he would come back soon.
Some time after his frustrated attempt to turn the Venom symbiote into one of his Monsters of Evil, Hellstrom, who was incarcerated at the Peak Maximum Security Prison in Virginia, revealed to Agent Venom that he didn't know if he was indeed the original Daimon Hellstrom as many copies of himself were created to explore every possible facet of the coming Descent. Hellstrom also revealed that Venom's hellmark had disappeared, freeing him from any infernal obligations.
Daimon Hellstrom later appeared as part of the Shadow Council's Masters of Evil, where he was part of Baron Helmut Zemo's inner circle. Daimon Hellstrom was shown to live in Hellstrom Manor in Hell Town, Bagalia.
Spells: Daimon Hellstorm casts spells as a 20th-level sorcerer and a 19th-level cleric. He has access to the domains of Evil, Law and War. He does not gain the granted powers of his domains. The save DCs are Charisma-based (sorcerer spells) and Wisdom based (cleric spells).
Sorcerer Spells Known (Cast per Day 6/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7; save DC 22 + spell level):
0—acid splash, arcane mark, daze, dancing lights, ghost sound, ray of frost, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue;
1st—color spray, hold portal, jump, ray of enfeeblement, unseen servant;
2nd— acid arrow, arcane lock, fog cloud, scorching ray, touch of idiocy;
3rd—blink, deep slumber, hold person, ray of exhaustion;
4th—charm monster, dimensional anchor, ice storm, shout;
5th—cloudkill, magic jar, mind fog, seeming;
6th—acid fog, contingency, flesh to stone;
7th—forcecage, finger of death, waves of exhaustion; 8th—sunburst, horrid wilting, iron body;
9th—dominate monster, soul bind, wish.
Cleric Spells Prepared (6/8+1/7+1/7+1/7+1/7+1/5+ 1/5+1/4+1/4+1; save DC 19 + spell level):
0—create water, detect poison, guidance, light, mending, reading;
1st—bane, curse water, detect chaos, doom (2), inflict light wounds (2), protection from chaos*, shield of faith;
2nd—calm emotions*, darkness, death knell, delay poison, hold person (3), sound burst;
3rd—animate dead (2), blindness/deafness, contagion (2), inflict serious wounds,
magic circle against chaos*, obscure object;
4th—death ward, dimensional anchor, discern lies, dismissal, divine power* (2), freedom of movement, inflict critical wounds;
5th—break enchantment, dispel good*, flame strike (2), insect plague, raise dead, slay living, true seeing;
6th—banishment, blade barrier*, geas/quest, harm, mass inflict moderate wounds, word of recall;
7th—destruction, greater restoration, mass inflict serious wounds, power word blind, repulsion, resurrection;
8th—earthquake, fire storm, greater spell immunity, power word stun, shield of law;
9th—gate, mass heal, power word kill, storm of vengeance, true resurrection.
Epic Spells (5/day; save DC 32): Enslave, epic mage armor, greater ruin.
Prepared Spells Prepared Spell List: Wizard (CL 20):
0th - dancing lights, disrupt undead, ray of frost, read magic
1st - burning hands (DC 33), color spray (DC 31), identify, magic missile (4), protection from evil (DC 31), protection from good (DC 31)
2nd - bull's strength (DC 32), cat's grace (DC 32), ghoul touch (DC 32), mirror image, protection from arrows (DC 32), scorching ray, see invisibility, summon swarm, web (DC 33)
3rd - dispel magic (3), displacement (DC 33), fireball (5) (DC 35)
4th - detect scrying, dimension door, dimensional anchor, enervation, fire shield, ice storm, invisibility, greater (DC 34), stoneskin (2) (DC 34)
5th - cone of cold (DC 37), dismissal (3) (DC 35), globe of invulnerability (lesser) [silent spell], hold monster (DC 35), permanency, teleport
6th - antimagic field, chain lightning (2) (DC 38), contingency, disintegrate (2) (DC 36), heroism, greater (DC 36), true seeing (DC 36)
7th - banishment (DC 37) , delayed blast fireball (DC 39) , finger of death (DC 37) , mage's magnificent mansion , plane shift (DC 38) , prismatic spray (2) (DC 39) , spell turning
8th - horrid wilting (DC 38) , maddening scream , maze , polar ray , prismatic wall (DC 38) , protection from spells (DC 38) , sunburst (DC 40) , temporal stasis (DC 38)
9th - cloudkill [quicken spell] (DC 36) , energy drain (DC 39) , etherealness , meteor swarm , prismatic sphere (DC 39) , time stop , wail of the banshee (DC 39) (CL ): (CL ): (CL ):
Servants of Daimon Hellstorm
Followers of Daimon Hellstorm are far and wide and consist of evil humanoids; usually clerics, necromancers, sorcerers, and wizards. Devout followers of Daimon Hellstorm are called Dark Cardinals and must sign a pact of evil with Daimon Hellstorm. Dark Cardinals can receive spells from Daimon Hellstorm and are granted access to two of the following domains: Evil, Law, Strength and War

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