Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Radiant Sister

Radiant Sister

CR 22 XP: 614,400
CE Medium humanoid (Chaotic, Evil, Mazza’im)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +28
AC 39, touch 31, flat-footed 31 (+13 deflection, +8 natural, +8 Dex)
HP 322 (28d8+196)
Fort +23, Ref +24, Will +24
DR 15/good and cold iron; Immune electricity and poison; SR 33; Resist acid 20, cold 20 and fire 20; Weaknesses vulnerable to divine magic
Speed 40 ft.
Melee Whip +37/+32/+27/+22 melee (1d3 + 9 and sharpness) and 4 stingers +32 melee (1d4 + 4 plus poison) and claw +27 melee (1d6 + 2)
Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks Bardic music (21/day), betrayal, draining kiss, lilitu’s gift, poison, sneak attack +3d6, spell like abilities, spells
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 22nd) At will – charm monster (DC 30), detect good, detect thoughts (DC 26), disguise self, greater teleport, fly, suggestion (DC 28), sending, tongues;1/day – dominate person (DC 29), symbol of persuasion (DC 32)
Str 18, Dex 26, Con 25, Int 21, Wis 27, Cha 36
Base Atk +28; CMB +32; CMD 63
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dark Speech, Epic Skill Focus (Bluff), Group Inspiration, Heighten Spell, Hindering Song, Music of the Gods, Persuasive, Still Spell, Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +56, Diplomacy +56, Disguise +33, Escape Artist +18, Heal +28, Intimidate +39, Knowledge (arcana) +25, Knowledge (gather information) +44, Knowledge (nobility) +30, Knowledge (religion) +36, Linguistics +27, Perception +28, Perform (dance) +44, Perform (sing) +44, Sense Motive +39, Spellcraft +22, Stealth +26
Languages telepathy 100 ft.
SQ Bardic knowledge (+26), item use, reflect enchantment, shroud alignment,
Gear A radiant sister's halo can be turned into a +5 brilliant energy whip of sharpness as a free action
Environment The Infinite Layers of The Abyss
Organization Solitary, pair or group (3-13)
Treasure double standard
Betrayal (Su) Allies struck by a Radiant Sister’s attacks or spells must make a Will save (DC 37) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.
Draining Kiss (Su) A Radiant Sister can bestow 1 negative level with a kiss. She must succeed on a grapple check to kiss an unwilling victim.
Lilitu's Gift (Su) Once per day, a Radiant Sister can embrace a willing or helpless living creature as a standard action and grant it a +2 profane bonus to Charisma and a +2 profane bonus on saving throws. The effects persists for 24 hours or until the target creature is affected by dispel chaos. Until the gift expires or is removed, the affected creature radiates chaos as if his alignment were chaotic. Moreover, its natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as chaotic aligned for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. As long as the character possesses the gift, the Sister’s name (written in Abyssal) appears as a tattoo somewhere on the character’s body. The recipient cannot see its own tattoo. The Sister can monitor the character’s condition and location as if she had placed a status spell on the character. She can communicate telepathically with the character at all times, despite any intervening distance (even across planes), and by concentrating, can observe the world around the character as if she were there in its place. Accepting a Sister’s gift is a chaotic act. A creature can resist gaining the gift by making a Will save (DC 37 negates).
Poison (Ex) Injury, Fortitude DC 31, 2d6 Wis/1d4 negative levels
Spells (Ex) Radiant Sisters cast spells as both clerics and bards. Bard spells per day: 8/6/6/7/7/5 (Caster level 21st, DC 23 + spell level, 25 + spell level for language dependent) Cleric spells per day: 14/8/8/8/7/6/5/5/4 (Caster level 16th; DC 18+spell level)
Item Use (Sp) A Radiant Sister can use any magic item as though she had successfully used the Use Magic Device skill.
Reflect Enchantment (Sp) Three times per day as an immediate action, a Radiant Sister can reflect an enchantment spell back on its caster if the Sister succeeds on her saving throw or the spell fails to penetrate her spell resistance.
Shroud Alignment (Sp) Spells and spell-like abilities that have the good descriptor treat a Radiant Sister as if her alignment was good. Magic items are similarly fooled.
Vulnerable to Divine Magic (Su) Radiant Sisters take a -2 penalty on saves against divine magic. Divine casters gain a +4 bonus to caster level checks to penetrate their spell resistance.

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