Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Angel, Fully Advanced Solar 
CR 45                                                                                        XP: 1,677,721,600
NG Huge outsider (angel, extraplanar, good)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, detect evil, detect snares and pits, true seeing; Perception +78
Aura protective aura
AC 47, touch 9, flat-footed 43 (+14 armor, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +24 natural, -2 size +4 deflection vs. evil)
HP 473 (66d10+110); regeneration 15 (evil artifacts, effects, and spells)
Fort +43, Ref +39, Will +44; +4 vs. poison, +4 resistance vs. evil
Defensive Abilities Fort +47 against poison; DR 15/epic and evil; Immune acid, cold, petrification; SR 41; Resist electricity 10, fire 10
Speed 50 ft., fly 150 ft. (good)
Melee +5 dancing holy power greatsword +83/+78/+73/+68 melee (4d6+24/19-20 plus 3d6 holy [+6d6 on critical hit])
Ranged +5 composite longbow (+5 Str bonus) +73/+68/+63/+58 ranged (3d6+10/×3 plus slaying) or slam +82 (3d8+13)
Space 15 ft., Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks Spell-like abilities, spells
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th) 
   3/day--Blade Barrier (DC 25), Earthquake (DC 27), Heal (DC 25), Mass Charm Monster (DC 27), Permanency, Resurrection, Waves of Exhaustion
   1/day--Greater Restoration (DC 26), Power Word, Blind, Power Word, Kill, Power Word, Stun, Prismatic Spray (DC 26), Wish
Spells Prepared (CL 20th)
0th create water, detect magic, guidance (2), resistance (2) 
1st bless (3), cause fear, divine favor (2), entropic shield, obscuring mist, shield of faith 
2nd align weapon, bears endurance (2), bulls strength (2), consecrate, eagles splendor, spiritual weapon 
3rd daylight, invisibility purge, magic circle against evil, magic vestment, prayer (2), protection from energy, wind wall 
4th death ward (3), dismissal (2), divine power, neutralize poison (2) 
5th break enchantment, control winds, dispel evil (2), plane shift, righteous might (2), symbol of pain 
6th banishment, chain lightning, heroes feast, mass cure moderate wounds, undeath to death, word of recall 
7th control weather, destruction, dictum, ethereal jaunt, holy word, regenerate 
8th fire storm, heightened banishment, holy aura, mass cure critical wounds (2), whirlwind 
9th etherealness, elemental swarm (air), mass heal (2), miracle, storm of vengeance 
10th maximized mass cure critical wounds 
11th intensified flame strike 
12th empowered maximized storm of vengeance 
13th heightened destruction 14th intensified fire storm
 Before Combat The following abilities are always active on the solar's person, as the spells (caster level 20th); detect evil, detect snares and pits, discern lies (DC 23), see invisibility, and true seeing. They can be dispelled, but the solar can reactivate them as a free action.
During Combat Like lesser solars, these beings fight tirelessly for good causes, wielding mighty +5 dancing holy power greatswords and +5 composite longbows that create any sort of slaying arrow when drawn. A solar's natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as good-aligned and epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Str 38, Dex 18, Con 26, Int 24, Wis 28, Cha 28
Base Atk +66; CMB +82; CMD 96
Feats Automatic Quicken Spell (x3), Cleave, Dodge, Empower Spell, Epic Spellcasting, Great Cleave, Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Improved Metamagic, Improved Spell Capacity (x5), Improved Sunder, Intensify Spell, Maximize Spell, Mobility, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Supernatural Tracker, Toughness
Skills Acrobatics +27, Diplomacy +80, Escape Artist +73, Intimidate +78, Knowledge (arcana) +76, Knowledge (planes) +76, Knowledge (religion) +76, Linguistics +77, Perception +78, Sense Motive +76, Spellcraft +79, Stealth +73, Survival +9, Use Magic Device +51
Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal; truespeech
SQ change shape (alter self)
Environment any good-aligned plane
Organization solitary or pair
Treasure No coins; double goods; standard items
Slaying Arrow (Su) A solar's bow needs no ammunition, and automatically creates a slaying arrow of the solar's choice when drawn.
Protective Aura (Su) Against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures, this ability provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws to anyone within 20 feet of the angel. Otherwise, it functions as a magic circle against evil effect and a lesser globe of invulnerability, both with a radius of 20 feet (caster level 20th). This aura can be dispelled, but the angel can create it again as a free action on its next turn. (The defensive benefits from the circle are not included in an angel’s statistics block.)
Regeneration (Ex) A solar takes damage from epic evil-aligned weapons and from spells and effects with the evil descriptor.
Spells (Ex) Solars can cast divine spells as 20th-level clerics. A solar has access to two of the following domains: Air, Destruction, Good, Law, or War (plus any others from its deity). The save DCs are Wisdom-based.
Epic Spells (Sp) Epic Spells per Day: 6. Save DCs are 29. Epic Spells Known: contingent resurrection, epic mage armor, nailed to the sky, superb dispelling. 
Tongues (Su) All angels can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues
The creature resembles a towering, powerfully built human with brilliant topaz eyes, golden skin, and gleaming white wings. A greater solar stands about 18 feet tall. It weighs about 2,000 pounds
Solars of such power are incredibly rare. They rank among the most powerful beings in the multiverse, often rivaling or even eclipsing the power of the deities they serve. Despite their great power, they serve their deities faithfully, often performing the most dangerous missions imaginable. They are often referred to as "archangels".

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