Monday, February 18, 2019


Troll, Gaurak
CR 8                                                                                                              XP: 4,800
CE Huge humanoid (giant)
Init -1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +8
AC 17, touch 7, flat-footed 17 (-1 Dex, +10 natural, -2 size)
HP 138 (12d12+60); regeneration 5 (acid or fire)
Fort +14, Ref +3, Will +5
Defensive Abilities rock catching
Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +15 (2d6+8), 2 claws +15 (1d8+8 plus grab)
Ranged rock +7 (2d8+12)
Space 15 ft., Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks damage armor, rend (grapple, 1d8+12), rock throwing (120 ft.)
Str 24, Dex 9, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 15
Base Atk +9; CMB +18; CMD 27
Feats Cleave, Great Fortitude, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Power Attack, Toughness
Skills Intimidate +19, Perception +8
Languages Giant
Environment  cold mountains
Organization solitary or gang (2-4)
Treasure standard
Damage Armor  (Ex) A Gaurak troll’s immense strength and frenzied attacks are capable of tearing an opponent’s armor apart so the troll can get to the meaty interior of its intended meal. If the opponent has both armor and shield, roll 1d6: a roll of 1–4 affects the shield and a roll of 5–6 affects the armor. Whenever a Gaurak troll makes a grab attack, make a grapple check, adding any magical bonus for the armor or shield in question to the opponent’s CMD. If the grapple is successful, the affected armor or shield is torn away and thrown 30 feet in a random direction as the troll makes its rend attack. Armor damaged in this way provides no AC bonus until such time as it has been repaired. A DC 8 Craft (armor) check is required to repair the straps of such torn away armor before it can be used again, taking 20 minutes to repair for armor or 5 minutes to repair for shields. Magical force armor (such as a mage armor or shield spell is not affected by this attack).
This tall creature has rough, green hide. Its hands end in claws, and its bestial face has a hideous, tusked underbite.
Creature Collection II; Dark Menagerie 80
Three-Fang, Paragon Troll
CR 20                                                                                                                  XP: 307,200
CE Large humanoid (giant)
Init +13; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +29
AC 47, touch 42, flat-footed 38 (+9 Dex, +5 natural, -1 size, +24 deflection)
HP 204 (6d8+156); fast healing 20, regeneration 5 (acid or fire)
Fort +29, Ref +21, Will +21
DR 20/epic; SR 45; Resist cold 10, fi re 10
Speed 90 ft.
Melee bite +41 (1d8+13), 2 claws +41 (1d6+13)
Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d6+32)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th) 3/day—greater dispel magic, haste, see invisibility
Str 36, Dex 29, Con 38, Int 21, Wis 24, Cha 21
Base Atk +29; CMB +43; CMD 86
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Acrobatics +25, Climb +32, Intimidate +37, Knowledge (nature) +21, Perception +29, Stealth +21, Survival +23
Languages Giant
Environment  cold mountains
Organization solitary or gang (2-4)
Treasure standard
This tall creature has rough, green hide. Its hands end in claws, and its bestial face has a hideous, tusked underbite.
Grumsky, Troll Splatterer
CR 11                                                                                                               XP: 12,800
Female troll fighter 6
CE Large humanoid (giant)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +15
AC 25, touch 12, flat-footed 23 (+8 armor, +2 Dex, +5 natural, -1 size, +1 deflection)
HP 138 (6d8+6d10+78); regeneration 5 (acid or fire)
Fort +15, Ref +6, Will +5; +1 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities bravery +1,  Improved iron will
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +2 large greatsword +19/+12 and bite +12 (1d8+5) or bite +17 and 2 claws +12 (1d6+5)
Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d6+11)
Str 25, Dex 14, Con 22, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 10
Base Atk +10; CMB +18; CMD 31
Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Improved Iron Will, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Lunge, Power Attack, Skill Focus (perception)
Skills Intimidate +16, Perception +15, Survival +7
Languages Common, Giant
SQ armor training 1
Gear +2 large greatsword, +1 half-plate armor, ring of protection +1, ring of counterspells (fireball). The ring of counterspells activates when Grumsky is targeted with a fireball. Henceforth it is considered a ring of counterspells but with no spell cast within. Characters wishing to make use of the ring must cast a specific spell into it. Grumsky wears the rings on each of her little toes.
Bort, Troll Stalker
CR 10                                                                                                            XP: 9,600
Troll ranger 5
CE Large humanoid (giant)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +11
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +5 natural, -1 size)
HP 125 (6d8+5d10+71); regeneration 5 (acid or fire)
Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +17/+12 (1d8+7) and bite +17 (1d8+7)
Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 1d8+11), favored enemy (elves +4, humans +2), favored terrain (underground), hunter’s bond (companions, 1 round)
Str 25, Dex 14, Con 22, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 10
Base Atk +9; CMB +17; CMD 29
Feats Endurance, Improved Natural Attack (claws), Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Perception), Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (claw)
Skills Climb +20, Intimidate +12, Perception +11, Stealth +15, Survival +12
Languages Common, Giant
SQ track +1, wild empathy -1
Gear potion of invisibility
Other Gear Large chain shirts.
G'Mash the Troll King, Trestle Troll
CR 19                                                                                                             XP: 204,800
Male advanced troll barbarian 7/ranger 7 (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary “Troll”)
CE Huge humanoid (giant)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +21
AC 25, touch 9, flat-footed 24 (+1 Dex, +8 natural, -2 size, +8 armor)
HP 247 (6d8+7d12+7d10+136); regeneration 5 (acid or fire)
Fort +26, Ref +10, Will +10
Defensive Abilities improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +2; Ref +12 vs. traps; DR 1/-; Resist acid 3, fire 10
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +27 (2d6+11), 2 claws +27 (2d6+11)
Ranged spear +18 (2d8+11/x3)
Space 15 ft., Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks combat style (natural weapon), favored enemy (elves +2, humans +4), rage (25 rounds/day), rage powers (energy resistance: acid, quick reflexes, swift foot +5 ft), rend (2 claws, 2d6+7)
Spells Prepared (CL 4th)
Before Combat When not raging, G’Mash has the following stats: AC 25, touch 9, flat-footed 24 hp 303 Fort +24; Will +8 Resist fire 10 Speed 40 ft. Melee bite +25 (2d6+9), 2 claws +25 (2d6+9) Str 25, Con 29 CMB +27; CMD 38 Skills Climb +13, Intimidate +27, Swim +12
Str 29, Dex 12, Con 33, Int 15, Wis 11, Cha 15
Base Atk +18; CMB +29; CMD 40
Feats Eldritch Claws, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Improved Natural Attack (Claw), Improved Regeneration, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception), Soul of the Hydra, Vital Strike
Skills Acrobatics +11, Appraise +7, Bluff +7, Climb +15, Craft (armor) +8, Escape Artist +8, Handle Animal +15, Heal +13, Intimidate +29, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (geography, nature) +9, Linguistics +4, Perception +21, Ride +7, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +10, Stealth +1, Survival +13, Swim +14
Languages Common, Giant, Orc
SQ fast movement, favored terrain (mountains +2), hunter’s bond (hunting companions), track +3, wild empathy +8, woodland stride
Gear potion of blur, potion of haste, potion of magic circle against good
Other Gear +1 spear, chain armor of Klemminjan the Cool, amulet of mighty fists +2, belt of giant strength +2, headband of mental prowess +4 (Cha and Int)
Environment  cold mountains
Organization solitary or gang (2-4)
Three crowns (collected over the years) worth 9,000 gp, 4,100 gp, and 1,700 gp respectively.
Amongst a vast collection of cheaply cured hides are a number of valuable furs (ermine, fox, mink, and sable). Total value, 11,000 gp.
Chain Armor of Klemminjan the Cool
Aura strong enchantment; CL 15th Slot armor; Price 36,510 gp; Weight 60 lbs.
This Huge +4 fire resistant (10) chain shirt is made of fine mithril links that seem to glisten with frost and smoky mist. Once per day the wearer can cause his hand to glow with a pale blue radiance. A melee touch attack deals 4d6 cold damage and causes the target to be staggered for 1 round (no saving throw). If the attack is a critical hit, the target is staggered for
1 minute instead.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, resist energy, frigid touch; Cost 18,430 gp

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