Monday, February 18, 2019

Abyssal Gibbering Orb Lich

The Bell
CR 20                                                                                                                 XP: 307,200
Abyssal gibbering orb lich
CE Huge undead (extraplanar)
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +59
Aura fear (60 ft., DC 29), gibbering (60 ft., DC 29)
AC 34, touch 18, flat-footed 25 (-2 size, +16 natural, +1 dodge, +9 Dex)
HP 337 (27d12+162)
Fort +17, Ref +20, Will +24
Defensive Abilities all-around vision, amorphous, rejuvenation; DR 15/bludgeoning, good, and magic; Immune cold, electricity, flanking, undead traits; SR 29; Resist channel resistance +4, fire 15
Speed 5 ft., fly 20 ft. (good)
Melee 11 bites +26 (2d8+7/19–20 plus grab), touch +25 (1d8+13 plus paralyzing touch)
Ranged 12 eye rays +27 touch (eye rays)
Space 15 ft., Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks paralyzing touch (DC 29), smite good 1/day (+6 attack/+27 damage), swallow whole (5d6 acid damage, AC 18, 31 hp)
Str 25, Dex 29, Con -, Int 30, Wis 24, Cha 22
Base Atk +20; CMB +29; CMD 49
Skills Acrobatics +39, Climb +37, Escape Artist +39, Fly +39, Intimidate +36, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, planes, religion) +40, Perception +59, Sense Motive +49, Spellcraft +40, Stealth +39, Survival +37
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Auran, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Ignan, Infernal, Terran, Undercommon
SQ flight
Eye Rays (Su) Each eye ray resembles a spell cast by a 27th-level caster. Each has a range of 150 ft. and a save DC of 29. It can fire all of its rays in any direction but cannot aim more than 5 rays at a single target due to its aiming limitations. The save DCs are Charisma-based. The 16 eye rays are as follows:
Cone of cold: Target affected as spell taking 15d6 cold damage (Reflex half).
Disintegrate: Target must succeed on Fortitude save or affected as spell.
Dominate monster: Target must succeed on Will save or affected as spell.
Energy drain: Target affected as spell gaining 2d4 temporary negative levels (Fortitude partial).
Feeblemind: Target must succeed on Will save or affected as spell.
Finger of death: Target must succeed on Fortitude save or affected as spell. Take 3d6+13 on a successful save.
Flesh to Stone: Target must succeed on Fortitude save or affected as spell.
Greater dispel magic: Works as targeted dispel.
Harm: Target affected as spell taking 150 points of damage (Will half).
Hold monster: Target must succeed on Will save or affected as spell.
Horrid wilting: Works as spell but targets one creature. Target must succeed on Fortitude save or affected as spell.
Inflict critical wounds: Target affected as spell taking 4d8+20 points of damage (Will half).
Lightning bolt: Target affected as spell taking 10d6 electricity damage (Reflex half).
Irresistible dance: Target affected as spell (Will partial).
Power word blind: Target blinded as spell. Telekinesis: Can move objects up to 375 lb. as spell (Will negates).
Gibbering (Su) The cacophony of speech emanating from the scores of mouths that make up the orb forces all within 60 feet to make a DC 29 Will save or suffer the effects of an insanity spell (CL 27th). This is a sonic mind-affecting effect. The save DC Charisma-based.
These great masses of floating amorphous flesh appear to be covered in bloodshot, weeping eyes and disgustingly vile mouths. The gibbering orb is a pulsing mass of sickly greyish-green flesh, roughly 20 ft. in diameter. The orb distends and undulates as it flies, seeming to spasm through the air rather than fly. The creature does not seem to have a top or bottom, nor does it have any form of appendages for handling objects.
These great harbingers of insanity and chaos are fortunately very rare indeed. Locked away by whatever powers preserve order and sanity, the gibbering orbs occasionally make their way to the civilized world to satiate its ravenous hunger for sentient beings. While the gibbering orb looks like a mass of chaotic, insanely impossible flesh, it is a clever and very intelligent adversary. If any being is so foolish as to attack a gibbering orb, it hurls itself at its foes with complete abandon, somehow making tactical decisions despite its completely random approach to destruction.
Gibbering orbs speak all languages, and frequently speak in several tongues at once to disorient their opponents. Gibbering orbs are incapable of speaking in a non-dominant role, their egos are too vast.
Gibbering orbs are 20 feet or more in diameter, weighing at least 8,000 pounds. Their coloration varies from a sickly, mottled gray to luminescent green or deep magenta at random intervals. The orbs flesh spasms and twitches constantly, and the entire surface is covered in eyes, mouths and other incomprehensible appendages. The orb has no obvious top or bottom; as it hovers, the entire mass continuously rotates so no one side is ever in direct contact with opponents for longer than a few seconds.
Gibbering orbs are planar travelers; fortunately, they grow bored of one place quickly. The only time gibbering orbs maintain a residence for long in any one place is if they are guarding some location for their own amusement, or if they are stranded or bound to a location. Woe to those who stumble upon an orb that cannot leave of its own free will Gibbering orbs in combat are forces of nature. They attack with seeming abandon, although they are incredibly intelligent, their ego does not allow them to comprehend the concept other being are as powerful as they are. Gibbering orbs consume there foes fully, drawing them into their various mouths; thus, any treasure found with a gibbering orb is one the inside of the creature.
Gibbering orbs are never found together. It is unknown how they reproduce, and such an event would most likely take place in a very secluded lair.
Originally appearing in Rappan Athuk (© Frog God Games, 2012)

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