Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Demon Below

Harthagoa, The Krakenfiend AKA The Demon Below
CR 15                                                                                                             XP: 51,200
Male unique creature 0
CE Gargantuan outsider (aquatic, native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low–light vision; Perception +28
AC 28, touch 8, flat-footed 26 (-4 size, +20 natural, +2 Dex)
HP 430 (21d20+210)
Fort +22, Ref +9, Will +19
DR 10/magic; Immune poison; SR 26; Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10;
Speed 0 ft., fly 20 ft. (average), swim 20 ft.
Melee 2 tentacles +28 (2d8+7 plus grab), 6 arms +30 (1d6+14 plus grab), bite +30 (4d6+14), 2 claws +30 (2d6+14)
Space 20 ft.
Special Attacks jet 280 ft., constrict 2d8+14 or 1d6+7, smite good 5/day
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 21 unless otherwise noted) 3/day—darkness, poison (DC 20), unholy aura (DC 24); 1/day—blasphemy (DC 23), contagion (DC 19), control weather (CL 9), control winds (CL 9), desecrate, destruction (DC 23), dominate animal (CL 9, DC 19), horrid wilting (DC 24), resist energy (CL 9), summon monster IX (evil outsider only), unhallow, unholy blight (DC 20).
Str 38, Dex 14, Con 31, Int 25, Wis 20, Cha 22
Base Atk +20; CMB +38; CMD 50
Feats Awesome Blow, Bleeding Critical, Blind-Fight, Critical Focus, Flyby Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (tentacle), Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (poison)
Skills Diplomacy +26, Fly +16, Intimidate +26, Knowledge (arcana) +22, Knowledge (geography) +30, Knowledge (history) +22, Knowledge (nature) +30, Knowledge (planes) +25, Perception +28, Sense Motive +28, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +13, Survival +25, Swim +42, Use Magic Device +26
Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Common, Draconic, Elven, Ignan, Infernal, Sahuagin
SQ ink cloud
Gear staff of transmutation (21 charges remaining), wand of sending (15 charges remaining), wand of cure critical wounds (33 charges remaining), medallion of thoughts.
Constrict (Ex) Harthagoa deals automatic arm or tentacle damage with a successful grapple check.
Ink Cloud (Ex) Harthagoa can emit a cloud of jet–black ink in an 80–foot spread once per minute as a free action. The cloud provides total concealment, which he normally uses to escape a fight that is going badly. Creatures within the cloud are considered to be in darkness.
Jet (Ex) Harthagoa can jet backward once per round as a full-round action, at a speed of 280 feet. He must move in a straight line, but does not provoke attacks of opportunity while jetting.
Smite Good (Su) 5/day as a swift action, Harthagoa can choose a target within sight to smite. If this target is good, Harthagoa adds +6 to his attack rolls and adds +15 to all damage rolls made against the target of his smite. If the target of smite good is an outsider with the good subtype, a good-aligned dragon, or a good-aligned creature with levels of paladin or cleric, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 30 points. Regardless of the target, smite good attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess. While smite good is in effect, Harthagoa gains a +6 deflection bonus.
The Demon Below
The Demon Below dedicates himself to the glory of his dark abyssal father, Demogorgon, and he seeks to bring as much of the world as possible into the demon lord’s service. Harthagoa’s taste for carnage is tempered only by his sinister intellect and the patience of an immortal demon. The Krakenfiend burst from his mother’s body and grew to maturity over the course of a few scant hours. He then devoured his crippled mother in order to claim her territory. He spreads his dark tentacles farther and farther with each passing year. Although nigh impossible to defeat in combat, Harthagoa is not foolish enough to face threats personally. Sinister to the core, the Krakenfiend prefers to turn foes against one another and use cat’s-paws to do his dirty work for him.
Moreover, Harthagoa is intimately familiar with wielding terror as a weapon. He controls most of his minions through the alternating application of intimidation and insincere promises of dark reward. He guarantees his followers’ loyalties by generating utter hopelessness over anything but himself. The great Krakenfiend is a dark force of nature, twisted and polluted by demonic influence.
Opposing him is as impossible as opposing the implacable sea or standing against a winter’s storm. In appearance, Harthagoa looms straight out of a god’s nightmare. His body is more than 50 feet in length, and his tentacles are twice as long, ending in barbed talons – a mark of his demonic heritage. These razor-barbed tentacles are speckled with ugly sucker-rings capable of shredding a great blue whale to chum in a mere moment. Yet the greatest indication of his father’s vile blood lies in the enormous pair of leathery bat-like wings that extend from Harthagoa’s bulbous body, allowing the Demon Below to take to the air if need be. His large eyes glow with a malevolent fire, and his mouth is filled with jagged poisonous teeth. The Krakenfiend’s thick arms can reduce a frigate to driftwood as casually as a man might crush paper lantern.

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