Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sea Serpents

Benthic Serpent
CR 11                                                                                                              XP: 12,800
CE Gargantuan dragon (aquatic)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +15
AC 26, touch 6, flat-footed 26 (-4 size, +20 natural)
HP 174 (12d12+96)
Fort +16, Ref +8, Will +8
Immune fire, magic paralysis and sleep, dragon traits
Speed 20 ft., swim 40 ft.
Melee bite +19 (4d8+10), 2 claws +18 (2d6+10)
Space 20 ft., Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks capsize, deepwater stare
During Combat Benthic serpents like to lurk below their prey and surge up from the depths to ambush them. They prefer to attack by capsizing and crushing any vessel they encounter. When hungry, they may sweep a deck, swallowing half a dozen sailors in an instant (using Great Cleave). Their deep-water stare also helps them lure large warships onto reefs and rocks, usually by dominating the sailor at the helm during a long night watch. Benthic serpents are far from mindless and flee if their food proves too troublesome.
Str 30, Dex 10, Con 26, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +12; CMB +26; CMD 36
Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, Snatch, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Appraise +8, Diplomacy +19, Intimidate +19, Perception +15, Sense Motive +9, Swim +33
Languages Common, Draconic
Environment temperate aquatic or coastal
Organization solitary
Treasure triple standard
Capsize (Ex) A submerged benthic serpent that surfaces under a boat or ship less than 20 feet long capsizes the vessel 95% of the time. It has a 50% chance to capsize a vessel from 20 to 60 feet long and a 20% chance to capsize one over 60 feet long.
Deepwater Stare (Su) A benthic serpent’s deep yellowgreen eyes have a hypnotic quality that allows them a gaze attack in a 60 foot cone. Creatures in this area must make a DC 20 Will save (or grant the serpent concealment or total concealment if they avert or close their eyes) each round. If the save fails, the creature is dominated as the spell. A benthic servant can dominate only one creature per combat; once that creature is dominated, the gaze attack no longer applies to others. The save DC is Charisma-based.
A serpent easily the length of the grandest frigate to sail the seas rises from the churning brine. Its sinuous body is marked with a white lateral line, its spine a strange luminous green hue. The titanic dragon’s eyes are enormous, fully four feet across, and surrounded by small glowing tentacles that ripple hypnotically.
Benthic serpents are aquatic dragons of the deep ocean trenches, dark grey creatures that surface only rarely. Normally they feast on whales, dolphins, walrus, seals, and merfolk, whatever they can catch. Sometimes, however, their lust for treasure drives them to attack ships or even coastal lands. When they prowl the surface or shallows, their lust for gold is as great as any land dragon’s: they often destroy all shipping in a huge region.

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