Monday, March 11, 2019

PW for a character that has never had a card yet

Davriel Cane, Demonologist

CR 25                                                                                                             XP: 1,638,400
Male human planeswalker conjurer 10/loremaster 10/planeswalker 6
CE Medium outsider (human, planeswalker)
Init +6; Senses Perception +22
AC 29, touch 17, flat-footed 27 (+7 armor, +5 deflection, +5 natural, +2 Dex)
HP 201 (10d6+10d6+6d8+104)
Fort +16, Ref +15, Will +26
Speed 30 ft.
Melee quarterstaff +11/+7/+6/+1 (1d6+1/1d6+1)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th) At will—dimensional steps (300 feet/day) 10/day—acid dart (1d6+5 acid)
Spells Known (CL 6th)
  1st (3/day)-Black Planeswalker, Ebony Charm, Black Planeswalker, Funeral Charm, Black Planeswalker, Thoughtseize, Blue Planeswalker, Cloak of Invisibility, Blue Planeswalker, Sapphire Charm
  2nd (1/day)-Black Planeswalker, Fear, Black Planeswalker, Unholy Strength, Blue Planeswalker, Counterspell
Spells Prepared (CL 20th)
  9th-Dominate Monster (DC 28), Foresight, Quickened Hold Monster (DC 24), Prismatic Wall, Summon Monster IX
  8th-Maze (2), Moment of Prescience, Summon Monster VIII (2)
  7th-Banishment (DC 24), Quickened Displacement, Mass Hold Person (DC 26), Phase Door, Plane Shift (DC 26), Spell Turning
  6th-Acid Fog, Chain Lightning (DC 23), Forceful Hand, Geas/Quest, Quickened Glitterdust, Mass Suggestion (DC 25)
  5th-Cloudkill (2; DC 24), Contact Other Plane, Sending, Teleport (2)
  4th-—Confusion (DC 23), Dimensional Anchor, Fire Shield, Greater Invisibility, Stoneskin, Summon Monster IV
  3rd-Arcane Sight, Dispel Magic (2), Fireball (DC 20), Invisibility Sphere, Protection from Energy, Stinking Cloud (DC 22)
  2nd-Acid Arrow, Detect Thoughts (DC 19), Invisibility (2), Scorching Ray, See Invisibility, Web (DC 21)
  1st-Alarm, Charm Person (DC 20), Disguise Self, Floating Disk, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Unseen Servant
  0th-Dancing Lights, Daze (DC 19), Detect Magic, Ray of Frost (Opposition Schools necromancy, transmutation)
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 28, Wis 18, Cha 21
Base Atk +14; CMB +15; CMD 32
Feats Augment Summoning, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, Forge Ring, Greater Spell Focus (conjuration, enchantment), Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Knowledge (planes)), Spell Focus (conjuration, enchantment), Spell Penetration, Toughness
Skills Diplomacy +13, Fly +18, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, religion) +25, Knowledge (engineering, history, local, nature, nobility) +20, Knowledge (planes) +41, Perception +22, Sense Motive +22, Spellcraft +30, Stealth +20, Use Magic Device +21
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Ignan, Infernal, Orc, Undercommon
SQ arcane bond (staff of charming), greater lore, lore +5, secrets (applicable knowledge, lore of true stamina, secret health, secret knowledge of avoidance, secrets of inner strength), summoner’s charm (5 rounds), true lore
Gear potions of cure serious wounds (3), potion of darkvision, scroll of ethereal jaunt, scroll of mage’s lucubration, staff of charming
Other Gear amulet of natural armor +5, bracers of armor +7, cloak of resistance +5, figurine of wondrous power (ebony fly), portable hole, ring of freedom of movement, ring of protection +5, forked rods, diamond dust (worth 500 gp), 3,188 gp
Walk the Planes (Su) 1/day A Planeswalker’s greatest talent is the ability to travel the multiverse through sheer willpower. Once per day at 1st level, they may teleport to another plane of existence. This is a spell-like ability that functions as the Plane Shift spell, with a few caveats. First, it may not be used on unwilling subjects. Second, it takes one minute to cast, rather than a standard action. Finally, the planeswalker and anyone who traveled with them is dazed for five rounds following the shift and fatigued for the rest of the day. He gains additional uses of this ability again at 5th level and again every 5 levels thereafter.
Color Skills (Ex) A Planeswalker’s allegiance to a color of magic grants them access to a few additional class skills. They must select a color at first level; this choice need not influence their later choices for spells or boons. Once made, the selection is permanent. All the skills listed below are immediately added to the Planeswalker's class skill list. Black: Bluff, Hide, Knowledge: Religion, Move Silently
Minor Arcana (Ex) A planeswalker is innately skilled at magic, even if their true talents lie in hunting or jousting. A planeswalker may use any Cantrip or Orison in any combination a number of times per day equal to 3 + their spellcasting modifier.
Mana Pool (Ex) In addition to the ability to walk the planes, a planeswalker has a unique ability to pull energy from the magical leylines of a world in order to fuel their magic. Starting at 2nd level, a Planeswalker generates 1 Mana Point at the start of an encounter and on every 5th round of an encounter. This mana is stored in a Pool, which empties at the end of the encounter. A Planeswalker may spend mana to pay for a spell, in lieu of using spell slots. Each mana point spend reduces the level of spell slot required to cast the spell by 1, minimum 0. For instance, a planeswalker may spend 1 Mana point to cast a 1st level spell, without expending a spell slot. A Planeswalker may use this mana to partially pay for a spell. For example, Chandra Nalaar, an 8th level Planeswalker, wishes to cast Fireball, a 3rd level spell. It is the 5th round of combat, and she has 2 mana points available. Rather than use one of her 3rd level spell slots, she an spend two mana points and a 1st level spell slot to cast Fireball. Fireball is still treated as a 3rd level spell for determining its save DC. In a similar way, a Planeswalker may use mana points to pay for Metamagic costs to their spells, assuming they have the metamagic feat in question.
Planeswalker's Will (Ex) 2/day Starting at 3rd level, a Planeswalker can focus their will and their understanding of planar leylines to a variety of effects twice per day. They gain additional uses per day at 9th and 15th level. At 3rd level they unlock two different abilities for their Planeswalker's Will, with additional abilities obtained at 8th and 18th level. Using Planeswalker's Will requires a Knowledge: The Planes check. The DC is 15. By beating the DC by 10 or more or 20 or more, the benefit is usually increased. Activating Planeswalker's Will is a move action.
Draw Mana (Ex) By succeeding on your check, you draw additional mana from nearby leylines and add it to your mana pool in the form of 1 mana point. Succeeding on the check by 10 or more adds 2 mana points instead. Succeeding by 20 or more adds 3 mana points instead.
Fortify Life (Ex) By succeeding on the check, you weave a shield of life energy from the raw mana nearby, gaining 1d10 Temporary Hitpoints. Succeeding on the check by 10 or more grants 2d10 Temporary Hitpoints instead. Succeeding on the check by 20 or more grants 2d10+10 Temporary Hitpoints instead.
Baleful Shift (Ex) At 5th level, the Planeswalker may take unwilling individuals with him when he Plane Shifts. The victim receives a will save (DC = 10+ ½ character level + spellcasting ability modifier) to resist this. Note that until higher levels, the casting time is still 1 minute so an unwilling target must be bound, helpless, or unconscious.
Mana Bond I (Ex) A planeswalker’s spellcasting is closely tied to certain environments. At 5th level, they choose a color. While in an environment of that color, a Planeswalker gains a +2 bonus to Initiative and Knowledge: The Planes rolls. While starting an encounter in that environment, a Planeswalker gains an additional Mana point. Black: Swamps, cemeteries or tombs, and caves
Easy Walking (Ex) At 6h level, the Planeswalker is no longer fatigued after Walking the Planes, and is only dazed for one round upon arrival. Any passengers (willing and unwilling) still suffer the negative effects.
Planeswalker Spells (Ex) A Planeswalker casts arcane spells which are drawn from the Planeswalker spell list. He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time, the way a wizard or a cleric must (see below). At 1st level, a planeswalker chooses Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma; this governs the power of all of his spellcasting and spell-like abilities and is a permanent choice. To learn or cast a spell, a Planeswalker must have a score equal to at least 10 + the spell level in their primary spellcasting ability. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a planeswalker’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the planeswalker’s spellcasting ability modifier. Like other spellcasters, a planeswalker can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The Planeswalker. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high score in his primary spellcasting ability. A Planeswalker's list of spells known is fairly limited. They begin play knowing only a single 1st level spell. A planeswalker's spell list is split into the colors of magic. In order to learn a higher level spell of one color, she must know at least two spells of the preceding level. For example, to learn "Cure Serious Wounds", a planeswalker would need to know two 1st level White spells and two 2nd level White spells. Note that the Colors of Magic have certain areas of other spellcasting classes that they have access too (see below). If a spell appears for more than one color, the player must choose which color that spell is representing when they learn it. For example, Disguise Self is considered to be a Blue, Black, and Red spell. If a Planeswalker learns it, they must also declare which color it is; it does not count as all three colors for prerequisite purposes.
Demonologists compel and manipulate their foes, and summon demon minions to do their dirty work.
Davriel Cane is the pseudonym of a mysterious diabolist and planeswalker living in Kessig on Innistrad.
Davriel is a domineering figure with a pencil mustache, dark slicked-back hair, a black suit, a fluffy shirt, and violet cravat. He is known as the Lord of the Manor of the small town of Verlasen, but at the nearby priory he poses as Lord Greywater. In public, he wears a charmed cloak and mask to obfuscate his features. The deep black cloak has a distinctive ghostly tattered bottom — like the frayed spirit of a haunting geist. When it moves, it leaves faint smudges in the air, obscuring his exact position. The golden mask is manufactured in a demonic shape with large dark eyes, sinuous lines, and a gruesome mouth reminiscent of a jaw with the skin removed. Davriel uses a walking cane, with a sword hidden inside.
Davriel is considered to be lazy and selfish. He is able to steal spells from the minds of other wizards and keep them available for a limited period of time. His eyes change color whenever he uses one of these spells.
Davriel's Entity
A Worldsoul Entity is hiding in Davriel's mind, promising him unlimited power if he surrenders control. It heals Davriel's wounds. It also possibly provided Davriel with his planeswalker's spark. The Entity normally wanted him to draw upon it, use it for its true purpose — as a vast reservoir to power his spells. With the Entity, he could make his stolen abilities last weeks under constant use. As it was, spells he stole from the minds of others usually faded a few hours after he first employed them. Some lasted longer, and others vanished after a few minutes, particularly if he’d been holding them for a while before their first use.
The Entity was aware that forces clashed in the Multiverse, and that the boundaries between planes trembled. It expected the conflict to find Davriel, and would have him ready and prepared, ready to rise up to claim the position that it thought to be rightfully his. For this purpose, the Entity had led the unaware Davriel to Innistrad, for it knew that another one of its kind was hiding on that plane.
After Davriel refused to absorb the power of the second Entity, his own Entity proclaimed him unworthy and threatened to find another host. It also predicted that Davriel would curse himself when that which he loved burned, he would lack the strength to stop his enemies.
Before his planeswalking days, Davriel was a young accountant working ledgers for a partnership.
Ever since stealing the Entity — pulling it from the mind of a dying man — Davriel had been able to sense its vast potential. Davriel had used the power of the Entity only once. It had been three years before his arrival on Innistrad. By that time in his life, he’d been comfortable with his powers — and with his strange ability to walk between different planes of existence. He’d spent years traveling, exploring, learning how enormous the multiverse was. He’d suffered enslavement and found vengeance. He’d become expert at dealing with demons. At long last, he decided to claim himself a throne. It had been during that struggle — a desperate, climatic clash between armies and ideologies — that he’d finally relented and drawn upon the Entity which bad resulted in the destruction of both armies.
Standing on that bloody field, Davriel had first sensed others hunting him. They’d arrived on the battlefield, drawn to the plane by his use of this power. He didn’t know who they were. Likely, they were allies of the dying man from whose mind Davriel had originally stolen the Entity. But he knew that whoever they were, they’d hunt him through eternity for this power. They’d destroy him. And so he’d fled.
Desiring to fade away into obscurity, he moved to Innistrad and settled on the Approaches as the most remote location on an already remote plane. An additional benefit was that on this plane consorting with demons was seen as only a minor oddity. Davriel arrived on Innistrad around 4559 AR, about a year before the arrival of Emrakul and the madness of the angels. He moved to the backwater of the Approaches and immediately removed the previous ruler, a vampire known as Lord Vaast of the Markov strain. Because he valued his peace and quiet, and because of the remoteness of the Approaches, the Corruption of Innistrad went by him fairly unnoticed.
Davriel was caught up in local events when the citizens of Verlasen were attacked by geists, and the girl Tacenda blamed him for orchestrating that attack. They found out that an imposter had been using a copy of his mask and mantle. The church, equally thinking he was guilty, had sent several hunters and cathars to kill him. Wanting to restore his peace and quiet, Davriel decided to help Tacenda to find the imposter and restore the souls of the villagers to their stiffened bodies.
Researching the church of the Nameless Angel, Tacenda and Davriel found out that the people inside had been able to resist the attacks by the Whisperers, until a betrayer had let the geists in. As the Whisperers were unaffected by Tacenda's song, but were stopped by the priests, Davriel reasoned that they were from the Bog. Additionally, he reasoned that the spirits that Tacenda had heard whispering were likely people from her own village. While at the church, a group of hunters and cathars from Thraben attacked the group, killing Brerig and Yledris.
During the investigation, Davriel began to suspect that Tacenda was more then she seemed. When he tried to steal her song magic, she was able to resist him. He questioned her if there was an entity, similar to his own, that talker to her. She denied, but Davriel's Entity confirmed that she carried part of the Bog Entity. Not fully alive, it couldn't speak to her, except in the crudest of ways. It also confirmed that the majority of its power was supposed to be hidden in the Bog. Davriel's Entity urged Davriel to take the second Entity to become mighty enough that none would ever dare challenge him. However, investigating the Bog they found it to be empty, and they were besieged by a host of Whisperers under control of Tacenda's twin sister Willia.
Fleeing to the Priory again, Davriel and Tacenda found the body the Nameless Angel, killed after it had been struck by Emrakul's madness. Somehow, its soul was still around and it encouraged Tacenda to use a new song. With this joyful, warm song Tacenda managed to defeat the Whisperers and absorb their souls. With help of Davriel, she also overcame and killed Willia. Willia's body released its part of the Worldsoul, and the Bog Entity was made whole inside Tacenda. At the moment that Tacenda was overcome by her power, Davriel's Entity urged him to grab the power for himself. Unwilling to become a creature that only caused death and destruction, Davriel refused to do it. Not long after, Tacenda vanished into nothing.
Davriel's demonic retinue
Davriel has signed several contracts with demons. The serve him until they will be able to reap his soul, which he tries to prevent by including clauses in the contracts that he never plans to fulfill.
Voluptara (a.k.a. Miss Highwater). Known as one of the most dangerous and wily of demons of the Nexrix Flame Expanse, now working for Davriel as his accountant. She wears a fitted grey jacket over a simple knee-length skirt, and her black hair in a bun. She has an ashen grey skin and dark red eyes, with small horns peeking up through her hair.
Crunchgnar. A tall, muscular, wingless and hairless Hartmurt demon. He had inhuman features and horns that swept back along his head almost like a mane. Quick to heal and a skilled combatant, he wore warrior’s leathers and a pair of wicked swords strapped to his waist.
Brerig. A hunched demon with a twisted figure, and features that vaguely resembled a hairless dog’s snout. He had black wings jutting out of its back, though they were gnarled and withered.
Gutmorn and Yledris A brother and sister pair of lightly armored Nightreach demons, with skeletal features, long, goatlike legs and enormous wings. The two claimed to be brother and sister, because they were created on the same day
On Davriel's spark
It is unclear whether Davriel had the spark of his own. It is possible that his planewalking powers are granted by the Entity.

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