Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Serra Ascendant

Thiana, Half-Elf Monk, Serra Ascendant
CR 8                                                                                                                   XP: 4,800
Female half-elf monk 9
LN Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +8; Senses low-light vision; Perception +15
AC 26, touch 22, flat-footed 21 (+6 dodge, +1 deflection, +4 armor, +4 Dex)
HP 49 (9d8+9)
Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +12
Defensive Abilities improved evasion; Will +16 vs. enchantment); Immune disease
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +2 darkwood quarterstaff +11/+6 (1d6+5) or +8/+3 unarmed (1d10+3) or fl urry of blows +2 darkwood quarterstaff +12/+12+/+7/+7 (1d6+5) or unarmed +9/+9+/+4/+4 (1d10+3)
Special Attacks fl urry of blows, stunning fi st
Str 16, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 16
Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 30
Feats Dodge, Fleet, Greater Grapple, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility, Skill Focus (acrobatics), Weapon Focus (staff)
Skills Acrobatics +19, Escape Artist +17, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +17, Swim +16
Languages Common, Elven
SQ fast movement, high jump, ki pool (7 points), maneuver training, purity of body, slow fall (40ft.), still mind, wholeness of body
Gear +2 darkwood quarterstaff, bracers of armor +4, cloak of resistance +1, ring of jumping, ring of protection +1
Often mistaken for a wood elf, Thiana has sharp features and stands just over 5 feet tall. Her onceluxurious auburn hair lies in tangled clumps matted with filth. Her tanned skin is white and transparent due to the aboleth’s slime affl iction. Thiana hails from The Hanging Gardens of Iseleine. She has been tortured and has seen horrors beyond imagining. Her once-peaceful heart and chaste demeanor are now irreversibly changed. The aboleths take turns dominating the poor monk, giving her no chance of breaking free. If freed, she vows to aid her rescuers for life, whenever they need her. Thiana tumbles through opponents to attack spellcasters fi rst as directed by the aboleth.

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