Friday, February 15, 2019

Count Strahd von Zarovich

Count Strahd von Zarovich

CR 15                                                                                                            XP: 51,200
Male human vampire necromancer 10
LE Medium undead (augmented humanoid)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
HP 65 (10d6+30); fast healing 5
Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +13
DR 10/silver and magic; Immune sunlight; undead immunities; Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10, positive energy 10, sonic 10; +4 turn resistance; ring of counterspells (dispel magic), nondetection; Weaknesses vampire vulnerabilities (except sunlight)
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee 2 slams +9 (1d6+4 plus energy drain)
Special Attacks alternate form, blood drain 1d4 Con, children of the night 1/night, dominate (Will DC 18), gaseous form; Atk Options Combat Reflexes, energy drain, magic strike
Spells Prepared (CL 10th)
  5th-Cloudkill (DC 20), Fell Draining Lightning Bolt (DC 18; creatures that take damage also gain one negative level), Mind Fog (DC 20), Waves of Fatigue
  4th-Dimension Door, Enervation (+8 ranged touch), Fear (DC 19), Enervated Scorching Ray (+8 ranged touch, +50% damage to living creatures, half damage to unliving), Scrying (DC 19)
  3rd-Deep Slumber (DC 18), Fireball (DC 18), Haste, Fell Draining Magic Missile (creatures that take damage also gain one negative level), Ray of Exhaustion (+8 ranged touch, DC 18)
  2nd-Blindness/Deafness (DC 17), False Life, Fog Cloud, Scorching Ray (+8 ranged touch), See Invisibility, Spectral Hand
  1st-Chill Touch (+9 melee touch, DC 16), Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor (2), Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement (+8 ranged touch), True Strike
  0th-Detect Magic (2), Ghost Sound (DC 15), Message, Touch of Fatigue (+9 melee touch, DC 15)
During Combat When in dire bat form, Strahd has the following changed statistics:
Dire Bat Form CR 15
LE Large undead (augmented humanoid)
AC 26, touch 15, flat-footed 20
Ref +11
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 40 ft. (good)
Melee bite +7 (1d8+4 plus energy drain)
Grp +12
Abilities Str 17, Dex 22
Skills Disguise +3 (+13 to mimic dire bat), Hide +12, Move Silently +20
When in dire wolf form, Strahd has the following changed statistics:
Dire Wolf Form CR 15
LE Large undead (augmented humanoid)
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 18
Ref +7
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares)
Melee bite +11 (1d8+10 plus energy drain)
Grp +16
Atk Options trip +11
Abilities Str 25, Dex 15
Skills Disguise +3 (+13 to mimic dire wolf), Hide +8, Move Silently +16
Trip (Ex) In dire wolf form, Strahd can attempt to trip an opponent he hits with a bite attack.
Str 18, Dex 16, Con -, Int 20, Wis 17, Cha 16
Base Atk +5; CMB +9; CMD 22
Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Enervate Spell, Fell Drain, Improved Energy Drain, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Positive Energy Resistance, Scribe Scroll
Skills Bluff +17, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +3, Knowledge (arcana, religion) +18, Linguistics +16, Perception +13, Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +13
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Infernal
SQ create spawn, forest sign, mountain sign, swamp sign
Gear bead of force, lesser Silent metamagic rod, ring of counterspells
Other Gear ring of protection +2, cloak of resistance +3
Treasure The Dayheart: This massive crystal, fed by dreadful energies, grants vampires linked to it immunity from the effects of sunlight. The Dayheart occupies the highest part of one of the castle’s spires.
The Dayheart is a singular in-dungeon feature that grants vampires linked to it immunity to the effects of sunlight.
Description: This item appears as a nearly 10-foot-diameter heart carved of crystal.
When any living creature moves to within 20 feet of it, it flares ruby red, then begins to pulse redly like the last, fluttering beats of a heart spiked with some hellish drug.
The Dayheart possesses a magically enhanced hardness of 30 as long as the hellheart locket remains whole (the hellheart locket is in Khyristrix’s possession) and 200 hit points. If the hellheart locket is destroyed, the Dayheart’s hardness drops to 5.
Activation: The main effect of the Dayheart is always active,
Effect: The Dayheart provides immunity to linked vampires from daylight.
Aura/Caster Level: Strong conjuration. CL 20th.
Construction: Unique.
Weight: Immovable.
Price: Priceless
More than simply a treasure to be won by skilled or lucky PCs, Strahd’s spellbooks represent a wealth of additional tactical options for the vampiric genius. The following lists additional spells that Strahd knows in addition to those he has prepared. Feel free to substitute different prepared spells to account for the party’s capabilities and weaknesses. If you have access to sources other than the Player’s Handbook, particularly Spell Compendium, you can substitute spells from those books for others in Strahd’s repertoire.
5th—cone of cold, hold monster, magic jar, prying eyes, teleport, wall of force.
4th—animate dead, arcane eye, bestow curse, confusion, contagion, detect scrying, Otiluke’s resilient sphere, solid fog.
3rd—clairaudience/clairvoyance, gentle repose, hold person, slow, stinking cloud, vampiric touch, wind wall.
2nd—bull’s strength, cat’s grace, command undead, darkness, detect thoughts, glitterdust, gust of wind, Melf’s acid arrow, see invisibility, Tasha’s hideous laughter, touch of idiocy, web.
1st—burning hands, cause fear, charm person, comprehend languages, identify, obscuring mist, shocking grasp, sleep, unseen servant.
0—all except abjuration and illusion.
Fast Healing (Ex) If reduced to 0 hp in combat, Strahd automatically and immediately assumes gaseous form and makes his way toward his crypt (area K86).
Vampire Vulnerabilities (Ex) As long as the Dayheart remains intact, Strahd suffers no ill effects from sunlight.
Energy Drain (Su) Living creatures hit by Strahd’s slam attack gain two negative levels. At the same time, Strahd gains 10 temporary hit points and a +2 bonus on skill checks, ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws for 1 hour. (This bonus derives from his Improved Energy Drain feat.) Whenever a spellcaster opponent loses a prepared spell due to energy drain, Strahd gains the ability to cast that spell once (as if he had prepared it). The spell’s effect is treated as if the original spellcaster had cast it. The spell remains in Strahd’s mind for up to 1 hour, and he can keep up to three stolen spells at a time. This ability has no effect on spellcasters who don’t prepare spells or on characters who have no spells prepared. (This ability comes from his Spell Drain feat.) If you are using the taint rules in Heroes of Horror, Strahd’s energy drain also increases the target’s depravity score by 2 points or its corruption and depravity scores by 1 point each (because of his Touch of Taint feat).
Magic Strike (Su) If Strahd hits with his slam attack, the attack is treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Animal Form (Su) In animal form, Strahd cannot use his equipment or cast spells, nor can he use his dominate ability.
Blood Drain (Ex) If you are using the taint rules in Heroes of Horror, Strahd’s blood drain also increases the target’s corruption score by 2 points (because of his Touch of Taint feat).
Gaseous Form (Su) Strahd’s Armor Class in gaseous form is 15 (19 with mage armor active), touch 15, flat-footed 12
Forest Sign (Su) As a result of his connection to the forests of Barovia, Strahd benefits from a constant nondetection effect on himself and his gear, as the spell (caster level check DC 19). If Strahd’s connection to the Forest Fane is severed, Strahd loses this benefit and his CR is reduced by 1
Strahd calls himself the “first vampire,” but the claim seems unlikely. The details of his story are set down in the Tome of Strahd. Strahd is a tall man, standing just over 6 feet. His body is lean and hard, and his gaunt face has strong features and prominent cheekbones. His eyes are dark and hypnotic, like deep pools with subtle reflections of red light, but when he is enraged they burn like red-hot coals. His skin is usually pale, but it becomes flushed with each feeding and retains that healthy-looking color for several hours. His elongated and thin fingers have long, sharp nails. His fangs are not obvious unless he wants them to be noticed—he can speak and even yawn without revealing his true nature. When he attacks, however, the fangs lengthen to protrude from his mouth.
Strahd prefers to wear black with touches of white and red. His clothing style is the tailored, layered look common to the nobility.
Strahd differs from standard vampires in a few key respects. He enjoys an unnatural connection with the land of Barovia (see below), which has given him three significant defensive abilities: force armor, energy resistance, and a constant nondetection effect. Strahd has no aversion to garlic or mirrors.
Though he can be turned, characters cannot keep him at bay simply by presenting a holy symbol. He can enter any building in Barovia, whether he is invited or not. Finally, the artifact known as the Dayheart (see below) grants Strahd immunity to the destructive effects of sunlight. In addition to the standard alternate forms assumed by vampires, Strahd can take the shape of a batlike humanoid (“werebat” form) and a bestial humanoid with wolfi sh characteristics (feral form). These special forms appear in Strahd’s statistics block for encounters in which he assumes them. The Wilderness Fanes: In the countryside of Barovia stand ancient sites of worship. Strahd appropriated three such wilderness fanes located near his castle—one in the Svalich Woods, one in the swamp to the east, and one high in the mountains. Performing dark rituals at each once-sanctified altar, Strahd bound himself to the land and the land to him, gaining great powers in the bargain. Stripping him of those powers requires visiting each fane and performing specific rituals to sever his connection to the land.

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