Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Alley Reaper

Alley Reaper
CR 3                                                                                                              XP: 800
CE Medium undead (incorporeal)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +7
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 deflection, +2 Dex)
HP 32 (4d12+6)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1
Immune undead traits
Speed 30 ft.
Melee spectral short sword +3 (1d6/19-20)
Special Attacks fear
During Combat The alley reaper always seeks to ambush its victims, and then dismembers them horribly to inspire as much fear and furor in the community as possible. It does not attack with its material shortsword (which remains under the reaper's cloak), but with a spectral version of that same weapon that deals spiritual damage as opposed to bodily woujnds.
Str -, Dex 15, Con -, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 17
Feats Ability Focus (Fear)
Skills Intimidate +8, Perception +7, Stealth +6
  Racial Modifiers +8 to Stealth in dark or shadowy conditions
Languages Common
SQ incorporeal, undead
Environment Any land and underground
Organization solitary
Treasure standard
Fear (Su) Three times per night, as a free action, a reaper may make a fear attack. Spectral winds fill its cape, making it resemble the wings of a vulture spread over a kill. From the shadows of the cape, the faces of the reaper’s victims can be seen shrieking in horror. All within 30 feet who see the reaper must succeed at a DC 15 Will save or be frightened for 2d4 rounds.
Incorporeal (Ex) An alley reaper is little more than a malevolent shadow, given form only by its cloak. When robed, it must pass through doors as a living person would or else leave its cloak and other possessions behind (which it is always loath to do, although it is not harmed in doing so). Regardless, it gains all victims, and the benefits of incorporeal, whether robed or not.
A cloaked form billows out of the darkness, its body obscured by the shadowed recesses of its ragged shroud. It bears in one hand a sinister blade and a low moan seems to issue from beneath the folds of its cloak.
An alley reaper is the spirit of an assassin or cutthroat who died with blood on his hands. Urgathoa consdiering that person particularly ruthless, cunning, and deceitful-gave them an extended lease not on life, but on the world. Little more than shadows, these spirits seem to walk as men, concealing themselves under long, tattered black cloaks. In truth, they have no substance. If a reaper's cloak is removed, all that's found underneath is a collection of prizes stolen from murder victims, and the weapon that the ghost used to kill in life. All of these items spill to the ground, although the reaper is stlll active and certain to attack those who dare provoke it.
An alley reaper stages a reign of terror over the ward or city in which it was killed, and probably on the individual or group, perhaps of watchmen or soldiers, who killed it. Its appetite for vengeance and death cannot by sated, and when its actual enemies are dispatced, anyone might become the next target.
Reapers strike only at night. During the day, they fade from this world, leaving behind a fallen cloak and a collection of prizes, usually in some location that was sacred or special to the reaper in life. If these are all moved or taken, the reaper arises the next night wherever its cloak is-if the cloak is destroyed, the reaper can reform a new one the following night. If some of its other possessions are taken, the reaper intuitievely sense where they are and pursue them relentlessly. Perhaps the only way to put an alley reaper to rest is to locate its hidden possessions and await the rise of the spirit at sunset, destroying it as it rises.
Source: Creature Collection Revised
Silas, Bishop Clarendon, Alley Reaper
CR 19                                                                                                             XP: 204,800
Male alley reaper ex-cleric (Sarenrae) 12/assassin 6
CE Medium undead (incorporeal)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +6
AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 15 (+4 deflection, +3 Dex, +1 dodge)
HP 207 (4d12+12d8+6d8+100)
Fort +14, Ref +15, Will +17
Defensive Abilities improved uncanny dodge, incorporeal, uncanny dodge; Will +20 vs. poison; Immune undead traits
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (average)
Melee +3 ghost touch vorpal kukri +23/+18/+13/+8 (1d4+7/18-20)
Special Attacks death attack (DC 16, 1d6+6 rounds), fear, quiet death, sneak attack +3d6, true death (DC 21)
During Combat The alley reaper always seeks to ambush its victims, and then dismembers them horribly to inspire as much fear and furor in the community as possible. It does not attack with its material shortsword (which remains under the reaper's cloak), but with a spectral version of that same weapon that deals spiritual damage as opposed to bodily woujnds.
Str 19, Dex 17, Con -, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 18
Base Atk +16; CMB +20; CMD 38
Feats Ability Focus (Fear), Combat Casting, Dodge, Improved Critical (kukri), Improved Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Martial Weapon Proficiency (kukri), Skill Focus (Stealth), Turn Undead, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (kukri)
Skills Acrobatics +12, Bluff +13, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +9, Fly +14, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (religion) +14, Perception +6, Sleight of Hand +12, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +23
  Racial Modifiers +8 to Stealth in dark or shadowy conditions
Languages Common
SQ hidden weapons, poison use
Gear Dark Kiss, cloak of resistance+4, 7 desiccated humanoid heads, platinum signet ring set with topaz (2,000 gp)
Environment Any land and underground
Organization solitary
Aura strong conjuration, necromancy, and transmutation; CL 18th Slot none; Price 194,309 gp; Weight 2 lb.
+3 vorpal ghost touch kukri; AL CE; Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12; Empathy, 30 ft. vision and hearing; Ego score 13.
Lesser Power: hold person on an enemy 3/day.
Personality: Dark Kiss, whose real name was forgotten, was a cold-blooded serial killer who killed for the sport of it. He was fond of decapitating his victims and stamping their foreheads with his sigil — the bloody impression of his lips. He called it his “dark kiss”. Eventually he was caught red-lipped, so to speak, and was lynched on the spot. The kukri he used in his killings, however, has continued to float throughout the land spawning numerous copycat killers over the years.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, circle of death, keen edge, plane shift
When Clarendon is destroyed or fades away, he leaves behind the following items (if he is slain his kukri remains behind as well). These items include a tattered but functional cloak of resistance+4, 7 desiccated humanoid heads each with the brownish imprint of a half-sun on its forehead (his favorite victims), and a platinum ring set with a large sunburst-cut topaz gummed and crusted with dried blood (2,000 gp). If the ring is cleaned up and a DC 25 Knowledge (religion) or (nobility and royalty) check is made, it is recognizable as the ring of office of the Bishop of
Clarendon, once the second-highest office in the Church of Sarenrae behind the Dawncry Patriarch. If it is recognized as such, then a DC 15 Knowledge (history) check recalls that the ring and the office holder were both lost in the Battle of Tsar (actually with Lord Bishu’s Fifty and One) after which the position and office lost its prestige and sank into obscurity. If it is recognized and brought to the church, they will gladly pay 10 times its value and one big favor (to be determined by the GM) for its return. They will be less enthusiastic to hear of the fate of its holder and will pay an additional 1,000 gp to hush the whole matter up.
Fear (Su) Three times per night, as a free action, a reaper may make a fear attack. Spectral winds fill its cape, making it resemble the wings of a vulture spread over a kill. From the shadows of the cape, the faces of the reaper’s victims can be seen shrieking in horror. All within 30 feet who see the reaper must succeed at a DC 15 Will save or be frightened for 2d4 rounds.
Incorporeal (Ex) An alley reaper is little more than a malevolent shadow, given form only by its cloak. When robed, it must pass through doors as a living person would or else leave its cloak and other possessions behind (which it is always loath to do, although it is not harmed in doing so). Regardless, it gains all victims, and the benefits of incorporeal, whether robed or not.
A cloaked form billows out of the darkness, its body obscured by the shadowed recesses of its ragged shroud. It bears in one hand a sinister blade and a low moan seems to issue from beneath the folds of its cloak.
An alley reaper is the spirit of an assassin or cutthroat who died with blood on his hands. Urgathoa consdiering that person particularly ruthless, cunning, and deceitful-gave them an extended lease not on life, but on the world. Little more than shadows, these spirits seem to walk as men, concealing themselves under long, tattered black cloaks. In truth, they have no substance. If a reaper's cloak is removed, all that's found underneath is a collection of prizes stolen from murder victims, and the weapon that the ghost used to kill in life. All of these items spill to the ground, although the reaper is stlll active and certain to attack those who dare provoke it.
An alley reaper stages a reign of terror over the ward or city in which it was killed, and probably on the individual or group, perhaps of watchmen or soldiers, who killed it. Its appetite for vengeance and death cannot by sated, and when its actual enemies are dispatced, anyone might become the next target.
Reapers strike only at night. During the day, they fade from this world, leaving behind a fallen cloak and a collection of prizes, usually in some location that was sacred or special to the reaper in life. If these are all moved or taken, the reaper arises the next night wherever its cloak is-if the cloak is destroyed, the reaper can reform a new one the following night. If some of its other possessions are taken, the reaper intuitievely sense where they are and pursue them relentlessly. Perhaps the only way to put an alley reaper to rest is to locate its hidden possessions and await the rise of the spirit at sunset, destroying it as it rises.
Source: Creature Collection Revised

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