Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Kaiju, Octogorgon

Kaiju, Octogorgon
CR 29 XP: 6,553,600
CE Colossal magical beast (kaiju, water)
Init +12; Senses blindsense 100 ft., darkvision 600 ft., low-light vision; Perception +33
Aura frightful presence (300 ft., DC 40)
AC 48, touch 20, flat-footed 40 (-8 size, +8 Dex, +28 natural, +10 deflection)
HP 900 (40d20+480); fast healing 40
Fort +34, Ref +30, Will +25
Defensive Abilities ferocity, protection field, recovery; DR 20/epic; Immune ability damage, ability drain, acid, death effects, disease, energy drain, fear, petrifaction; SR 40; Resist cold 30, electricity 30, fire 30, negative energy 30, sonic 30
Speed 100 ft., swim 100 ft.
Melee bite +47 (3d10+15), 8 tentacles +42 (2d6+7 plus grab)
Ranged eye rays +40 (varies)
Space 60 ft., Reach 80 ft.
Special Attacks agile grappler, breath weapon, constrict (2d6+22), eye rays, hurl foe, trample (4d8+22, DC 45)
During Combat In combat, Octogorgon’s sheer size is sufficient to destroy cities, but it supplements this physical power with an acidic, petrifying spray of ink and a barrage of deadly rays fired from each of its tentacles. Which targets are afflicted by which rays are determined mostly by whimsy rather than tactical considerations. Octogorgon’s wake is typically populated by a few mad, cursed or polymorphed survivors to testify to its might.
Str 41, Dex 27, Con 34, Int 8, Wis 31, Cha 30
Base Atk +40; CMB +63; CMD 91
Feats Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Greater Sunder, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (Bite, Tentacle), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Multiattack, Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Staggering Critical, Stand Still, Step Up, Stunning Critical, Vital Strike
Skills Intimidate +23, Perception +33, Swim +33
Languages Aklo
SQ amphibious, compression, massive
Environment any aquatic
Organization unique
Treasure triple standard
Agile Grappler (Ex) Octogorgon can grapple any number of Gargantuan or smaller creatures as a swift action, and it does not gain the grappled condition when grappling a creature of Gargantuan or smaller size.
Breath Weapon (Su) As a standard action, Octogorgon can breathe a 600 ft. cone that deals 30d6 acid damage (Reflex DC 42 half) . Any creature that takes any damage from this breath weapon must succeed a Fortitude save (DC 42) or be petrified. Octogorgon can use this breath weapon once every 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution based.
Eye Rays (Su) Octogorgon can fire rays from its tentacles as ranged touch attacks with a range of 1,200 feet. It can fire one ray as a swift action, two rays as a standard action and four rays as a full attack. The save DC of all of these effects are Charisma based. action. When Octogorgon uses one or more of its eye rays, it cannot use that ray again for 1d4 rounds. The eye rays Octogorgon can use are:
Antimagic Ray (Su) A creature struck by this ray has all spells affecting it dispelled and must succeed a DC 40 Will save or have its magic items suppressed for 20 minutes, as per a mage’s disjunction spell.
Beating Ray (Su) A creature struck by this ray takes 20d6+20 bludgeoning damage and must succeed a DC 40 Fortitude save or be pushed 30 feet away from Octogorgon and knocked prone.
Burning Ray (Su) A creature struck by this ray takes 20d6 fire damage and must succeed a DC 40 Reflex save or take 5d6 points of burn.
Death Ray (Su) A creature struck by this ray takes 200 points of negative energy damage. A successful DC 40 Fortitude save reduces this damage to 3d6+20.
Despair Ray (Su) A creature struck by this ray takes a -4 penalty on all attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, skill and ability checks. This effect is permanent unless the creature struck succeeds a DC 40 Will save, in which case the duration is 1 minute. This is a curse effect.
Freezing Ray (Su) A creature struck by this ray takes 20d6 cold damage and must succeed a DC 40 Fortitude save or be staggered for 1d4 rounds.
Madness Ray (Su) A creature struck by this ray must succeed a DC 40 Will save or be driven permanently insane (as per the insanity spell).
Transmogrification Ray (Su) A creature struck by this ray must succeed a DC 40 Fortitude save or be transformed into a Tiny harmless animal as per a baleful polymorph spell.
Protection Field (Su) Octogorgon gains a deflection bonus to its AC equal to its Charisma bonus.
This impossibly immense creature resembles an octopus with a huge, gnashing beak. Its eight tentacles each end in a puckered orifice.
Octogorgon is one of the most intelligent of the kaiju, but this intelligence gives it an unfortunately cruel and peevish temperament. It spends centuries at a time sleeping in its lair, which is fortunate, because in its waking hours it makes a beeline straight for large populated areas to delight in destroying. Octogorgon takes trophies from its rampages, and the relics of a dozen dead civilizations decorate the winding passages of the undersea caverns it calls home.
Octogorgon, unlike most kaiju, is capable of speech. It rarely speaks to individual creatures, preferring to make doom-laden pronouncements to terrify all in ear-shot when it moves to destroy a city. It occasionally makes references to the Great Old Ones in these speeches, leading some scholars to hypothesize that Octogorgon is one of their creations, or even of their number. It cannot grant spells and sees worshipers as deluded fools.

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